Christmas Holiday – Closing early information

Dear Parents / Carers - 2021_12_06_Closing Early


We are fast approaching the end of another school year. It has been a challenging year for us all as the threat from Covid remains ever present. Despite these challenges I am extremely proud of how the pupils, staff and community have helped the school lose so few teaching hours over the past 12 months and I ask all parents and carers to continue to be vigilant over the Christmas season.


As in previous years, and in recognition for the hard work our pupils have put in over the year, I am pleased to announce the school will be closing early at 12.20pm on Tuesday, 21st December. This will allow pupils and their families a little extra time together to prepare for the festive season.

Pupils are expected to attend school and lessons as normal. The school has made all the necessary arrangements for school buses/taxis to be at school early to transport pupils home.

The last day of term will be a non-uniform day for pupils. Pupils wearing their own clothes are expected to make a £1 donation, via ParentPay, which will be donated to St. Kentigern's Hospice.


School re-opens for new term:

The school re-opens for students on Monday 10th January. The 6th and 7th of January are staff training days.

I’d like to wish everyone a lovely break, a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year.


Yours faithfully,


Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA

Omicron variant – Additional measures

Dear Parents and Carers - Download the letter Ltr to parents 30-11-21
Yesterday the Education Minister Jeremy Miles made the following announcement about schools and the emergence of the new Omicron variant:
The emergence of this new variant is a serious development in the ongoing pandemic. We have already taken swift action on international travel, alongside the other UK governments.
We are now introducing an additional measure, while we learn more about this new strain. All staff and learners in our secondary schools, colleges and universities should now wear face coverings while indoors where physical distancing cannot be maintained. This is a temporary, precautionary measure that will be in place for the remaining weeks of term at which point the position will be reviewed. This should come into effect in all settings as soon as possible.
From tomorrow (1st December 2021) we will be asking all pupils and students to wear face coverings in all lessons if they cannot maintain social distancing. This is in addition to all of the measures we have in place as part of our risk assessment:
  • Face masks being worn in all communal areas including corridors and the diner
  • Good hand hygiene and the use of sanitiser regularly
  • Regular LFD testing of pupils, students and staff
  • All other measures in place in school to ensure we are as safe as possible
Only at the end of last week, Denbighshire CC along with TTP decided to change the colour categorisation of all secondary schools from AMBER to GREEN due to the reduction of cases of school aged children. This is great news but we must continue to be
vigilant against the virus as the national picture can change rapidly.
We will also be asking all staff and pupils to continue to LFD test twice a week over the Christmas break so that we can ensure a smooth and safe return to school in January 2022. Pupils and students are to collect enough test kits for Christmas and the new year from the pastoral team.
I am really proud of how the pupils, staff and community have helped the school lose so few teaching hours over the past 12 months and I ask all parents and carers to continue your vigilance. Please follow the latest guidance from Welsh Government including not sending your child to school if they have any of the three key symptoms of COVID-19:
  • a high temperature: this means that they feel hot to touch on their chest or back
  • a new, continuous cough: this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
  • a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste: this means they’ve noticed they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.
If anyone in your household has any of these symptoms then book a PCR test as soon as possible and inform the school. The rest of the household should isolate until they return a negative PCR result.
Best wishes and many thanks
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA. Pennaeth Headteacher

999 Cenotaph Campaign

Dear/Annwyl Parents/Guardians,

Download the letter - Cenotaph campaign

I am writing to you following the moving acts of remembrance over the last few weeks.

Over two million people currently work and volunteer within our emergency services, all of whom have shown commitment to public service throughout the pandemic. The 999 Cenotaph campaign seeks to recognise that sacrifice and has support from HRH The Duke of Cambridge, the Prime Minister and the First Ministers of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The 999 Cenotaph would be placed along Whitehall.

The campaign is now encouraging all school, college and University students throughout the UK to support the campaign on Friday 3rd December.

At Prestatyn High School, we feel students can support the campaign by wearing a colour from the emergency services (red, blue, green or orange) with their full school uniform. A suggested donation of £1 should be made via ParentPay if your child would like to participate.

We will also be selling key rings and cakes with the colours represented by the emergency services.

More information about the campaign can be found at

We look forward to your child helping us to support the campaign.


Thank you for your continued support.


Yours sincerely/ Yn gywir

Mrs PJ Hill

Mrs PJ Hill - Assistant Headteacher

Information for parents and/or guardians

We know how disruptive the last year has been for everyone. We want to keep your child in school as much as possible, but we also want to keep our schools and communities safe from the effects of COVID-19. Everyone has a role to play to if we are to achieve this and we kindly ask for your support.

As we continue to manage Covid-19 within our educational settings, we would like to remind you of some key information:

The three key symptoms of COVID-19 are:

  • a high temperature: this means that they feel hot to touch on their chest or back
  • a new, continuous cough: this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
  • a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste: this means they’ve noticed they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.


If your child is over the age of 5 years old and has any of these three key symptoms:

  1. Do not send your child to school;
  2. Arrange a PCR test for your child immediately. You can book a PCR test online through the NHS website at or by calling 119. Anyone else in your household with any of these three key symptoms should also isolate and take a PCR test.
  3. Inform the school as soon as reasonably possible of the reason for your child’s absence (including any siblings).

If your child receives a positive result, please keep your child at home to isolate for 10 days and inform the school as soon as is reasonably possible as you would with any other absence. Follow the rules set out at They must not return to school until their isolation period is over and they show no key symptoms. If the test is negative, your child can return to school as soon as they feel better.


If your child is under the age of 5 years old they should remain off school whilst they have symptoms. They must not return to school until their isolation period is over and they show no key symptoms. They should not take COVID-19 tests unless directed to do so by a doctor or if you believe a test is absolutely necessary and in the best interests of your child.

As the parent/guardian you will be contacted by Test Trace Protect either by SMSs to complete an electronic tracing form online or by phone. Please ensure that you provide the details of those who live in your household and those people who have had close contact with your child so that they can be advised appropriately (this will help us to prevent the virus from spreading).


Yours faithfully

Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA. Pennaeth Headteacher

BBC Children in Need – Friday 19th November

Friday 19th November is this year’s BBC Children in Need Day. We are excited to be joining in with others around the UK to participate in fundraising for this good cause.
At Prestatyn High School, we feel that the best way we can support the event is for students to accessorise their school uniform with something spotty, pupils can also bring in their favourite teddy. A suggested donation of £1 should be made via ParentPay if your child would like to participate.
We will also be holding a cake sale at break time on Friday, all proceeds will go to Children in Need.
We look forward to your child helping us raise as much money as possible.
Thank you for your continued support.

School term dates 2021/2022

Dear all parents and carers - Term dates ltr
As I am sure you are aware, there will be an additional bank holiday next year for the Queen’s Jubilee. The bank holiday falls in the same week as the June half term break in 2022. Denbighshire CC have decided that this additional day of holiday will be taken at the end of this term.
This means that the last day of this term for Prestatyn High school will be Tuesday 21st December 2021. School will be closed from Wednesday 22nd of December until Wednesday January 5th 2022.
Thursday 6th and Friday 7th of January are training days for teachers and pupils will return to school on Monday 10th January 2022.
Please find on the back of this letter the amended calendar of term dates and INSET days for the next academic year for the Prestatyn cluster. Term dates are fixed by Denbighshire CC and the INSET days have been agreed by the six cluster schools.
Autumn term 1
INSET days (1&2) - Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd September 2021
Pupils return to school - Friday 3rd September 2021 to 22 October 2021
Half term – 25th October to 29th October 2021
Autumn term 2
Monday 1st November to Wednesday 22nd December 2021
Christmas Holiday – 23rd December to 5th January 2022
Spring term 1
INSET days (3&4) - Thursday 6th January and Friday 7th January 2022
Pupils return to school - Monday 10th January 2022 to 18th February 2022
Half term – 21st February to 25th February 2022
Spring Term 2
INSET day (5) – Monday 28th February 2022
Pupils return to school – Tuesday 1st March 2022 to 8th April 2022
Easter Holiday – 11th April to 22nd April 2022
Summer term 1
INSET day (6) – Monday 25th April 2022
Pupils return to school – Tuesday 26th April to 27th May 2022
Half term – 30th May to 3rd June 2022
Summer term 2
Monday 6th June to Wednesday 20th July 2022
Please note that the calendar of events will be published throughout the year based on the latest Covid guidance. Please contact
the school if you have any questions about the dates provided.
Yours faithfully
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

Strategaeth Iaith Gymraeg Sir Ddinbych 2022 -27 / Denbighshire Welsh Language Strategy 2022 -27

S'mae (hello)!


We’re seeking your views on what we should include in our Welsh Language Strategy for 2022-27.
The Welsh language is an important part of life for many people in Denbighshire. The Welsh language has legal status in Wales and our strategy is our way of ensuring we are doing what we can to make sure that the Welsh language can thrive and grow in Denbighshire.
The Council would be grateful if you could complete the consultation questionnaire. It is split into three sections:
  • About you – this will help us to understand which communities need the most support with the Welsh language and what challenges there are.
  • About your experiences with the Welsh language – this will help us to understand what the Welsh language means to you.
  • About our Welsh Language Strategy – this will help us to understand whether you think we are doing the right things to ensure that Welsh is a language that continues to be loved, supported and spoken in Denbighshire and whether we are doing the right things to improve awareness of the Welsh language and to increase the number of Welsh speakers locally