School Covid Categorisation

Dear Parents/Carers,

[School Covid categorisation - Download the letter]

It is great to have the learners back in school and a delight to see them engaged in their learning. Unfortunately, Covid-19 is still prevalent within our community. I would like to reassure everyone that we have a robust risk assessment in place and we are working closely with DCC, Public Health Wales and TTP to minimise the impact of Covid.

Today, Denbighshire County Council and Public Health Wales have categorised all secondary schools in Denbighshire as amber due to the prevalence of Covid in our community. This means we must remain cautious as a community and follow strict rules to minimise the transmission of Covid. Prestatyn High was already operating under the regulations required for an amber school due to the few but regular cases we have had in school. We are aware of the growing number of cases within the community and we continue to do everything we can to protect all pupils and staff.


What measures have we taken and will continue to take:

• An expectation for all staff and learners to wear face masks in communal areas, such as corridors and diner.

• Where possible, social distancing. • Good hand and respiratory hygiene.

• At present, there is no expectation for staff and learners to wear face masks in classrooms.

• An expectation for staff and learners to continue to test twice weekly using the Lateral Flow Devices.

• Continue to engage with TTP.


We respectfully ask all parents and carers to support the school in our efforts to keep everyone as safe as possible. Please could you remind your son / daughter to bring a face mask to school every day, continue to LFD test, and engage in Covid friendly routines inside and outside of school.

If you are named as a contact by TTP, please follow their advice and book a PCR test.


Yours faithfully,

Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA Pennaeth/Headteacher

Parent / Carers Information Evening – Your Child (young person) Their Future

The job market for students leaving school or university can be tricky and now more than ever we need to help them as much as we can to secure the very best opportunities when they enter the workplace. We would like to extend our invitation to you for our very first parent / carers information evening event.

We have leaders from some of the biggest employers in their industry IBM, HSBC, PwC, bp, University of Bath, Clifford Chance & Capgemini coming to talk to you about how your son / daughter or young person under your care can navigate the job market to find some incredible work experience / internship placements as well as graduate and apprenticeship opportunities. We will be sharing some useful tips around psychometric testing, how to prepare for assessment centres, CV’s, and applications as well as lots of information around preparing your child / young person for the workplace / university.

This event is free of charge and it will be running on Thursday 30th September, 6pm – 7:30pm. You will have the opportunity to join this event virtually with your son / daughter / and or young person, ask questions you want directly to leading employers and obtain lots of useful information. The booking link can be found below here.


Booking Link: 

We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible and if you have any questions, please let us know!

Best Regards,

Young Professionals / Dan Miller


Dan Miller
Founder and CEO |

PRC Junior Race & Fun Run 2021

PRC Junior Races Sunday 10th October 2021 £5 Entry Fee


PRC Junior Race & Fun Run 2021

Race headquarters and presentations at:-

Prestatyn Cricket Club, LL19 7LH



Medals will be given to all participants


Top 3 prizes given in each race (please note this does not include the fun run)


Online entry only, no entries for main races on the day. Only 30 spaces per race.


Race Schedule:


Please register 30 minutes before race start time, to collect your number


10:30 Family fun run (under 7’s) - Free

10:45 Girls Under 9 Race (1.2 KM approx)

11:15 Boys Under 9 Race (1.2 KM approx)

11:45 Girls Under 11 Race (1.6 KM approx)

12:15 Boys Under 11 Race (1.6 KM approx)

12:30 Girls Under 13 Race (2 KM approx)

12:45 Boys Under 13 Race (2 KM approx)


All races start and finish on the field next to the cricket club.

Please note there is no parking at the cricket club, public car parks are next to the Nova Centre



For further details email

Changes to contact tracing and self-isolation from this September

I hope you and your child have enjoyed the summer break.


As we return to school, there are some new arrangements in place when someone tests positive for COVID-19. These changes have been made possible by the vaccination programme and the significant reduction in numbers being hospitalised and suffering severe illness due to COVID-19 over recent months.


If your child tests positive for COVID-19 using a PCR test, NHS Test, Trace, Protect (TTP) will contact you, using the details provided when the PCR test was ordered. They will ask questions designed to identify recent close contacts of your child, and for contact details - if you know them - of the individual or their parent/carer. TTP will then get in touch with these close contacts to provide instructions or advice.


Those who are under 18 or fully vaccinated are no longer required to self-isolate if they are identified as close contacts. But they will be contacted to let them know that they’ve been in close contact with someone who has tested positive. They will also be offered two PCR tests and provided with information and advice on how to minimise the risks of onward spread. If your child is identified as a close contact, they can still attend school unless they develop symptoms or are advised otherwise by TTP. Please continue to let the school know if your child tests positive.


If a child tests positive, only a minority of their classmates will be identified as close contacts. But if there is a pattern of cases TTP may ask us to update you on the situation and remind you of key steps, including advising you to keep an eye out for new symptoms your child may develop, and to stay away from vulnerable family and friends in the short-term.


We do expect that there will be cases of COVID-19 across our community over the coming weeks, but this does not mean that COVID-19 is spreading within the school. Please continue to be vigilant for any symptoms. If you are in any doubt, order a PCR test for your child at or by calling 119.


Anyone with symptoms - a new continuous cough, fever or high temperature or loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste - should remain in self-isolation until the test result is known. You can find the latest information on self-isolation arrangements on the Welsh Government website.

We recognise how difficult the past 18 months have been and the sacrifices that all families have had to make. Thank you for everything you have done to support your child and our schools.


Yours sincerely

G W Davies

Interim Head of Education

Huw Hilditch-Roberts

Lead Member for Education, Children's Services and Public Engagement


Dear Parent / Carer - Download the letter ALN_reforms_2021


As we have shared with you previously, the system for supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disability in Wales is changing.


Yesterday Jeremy Miles, the Minister for Education, gave an update on the phased implementation of the new ALN system. Despite continued activity and significant progress, it has become clear that the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in plans being revisited. He shared that all partners require further space and time to manage and plan for aspects of this important reform to ensure successful delivery of new arrangements and the best for children in Wales.


Written Statement: Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunal Act 2018

Implementation (14 July 2021) | GOV.WALES The implementation of the ALN system for the first year will now be sequenced.


From 1 September 2021, the ALN system will commence for children who:

are or are newly identified as having additional learning needs, (that is, those without already identified special educational needs (SEN), or are not awaiting or undergoing an SEN assessment)


From 1st January 2022, the ALN system will commence for children who:

attend maintained schools (including Pupil Referral Units PRU’s) in Nursery Years 1 and 2 (N1 and N2) and Year 1, Year 3, Year 5, Year 7 and Year 10 who have special educational provision via early years action / early years action plus or school action / school action plus.


Welsh Government will publish guidance for parents and families in the Autumn Term.


If you would like any additional information or advice, please contact our Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator or contact SNAP Cymru who offer free independent advice and support to parents by visiting: or call their helpline on: 0808 801 0608

I hope you find the information in this letter reassuring. School and other agencies will continue to work together, to reflect on guidance and carry on with the preparatory work to secure the best outcomes for our learners.


Additional Information

The interactive e-learning course giving an introduction to the new ALN system is now available on the Welsh Government's Hwb platform. Here is a Hwb news article introducing the course, which is currently on the Hwb homepage: And here is the link to the course itself:

Welsh Government web-site:



Yours faithfully,

Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

Andrew Christian

GCSE, AS and A-level qualifications for summer 2021

Dear parents / carers


I write to you before the end of term to update you on the system that replaced examinations and the results days that take place earlier than usual in the summer.

Due to the lost curriculum time the Education Minister announced in November that there would be no summer examination series for students taking GCSEs, AS levels or A levels in 2021. In January 2021, it was confirmed that these qualifications would be awarded using Centre Determined Grades. This meant schools would determine the actual grades awarded for each qualification based on the evidence provided by learners.

WJEC and Qualifications Wales provided schools with regular updates and GCSE, AS level and A-level specifications were amended by the WJEC to take into account lost curriculum time. Each subject area was also informed of the skills and knowledge which they had to cover before the end of the qualification in order to ensure the learner could progress to their next stage of learning / employment.

Learners in Yrs. 11, 12 and 13 were the first to return to school on the 15th March to enable them to work with their teachers to generate the evidence needed for their CDGs.

During this period learners completed adapted exam papers supplied by the exam boards. The assessments completed gave learners the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understanding of the key requirements and assessment objectives of each subject.

When deciding on an overall best-fit grade teachers were not to award CDGs based on their professional predictions or the potential of a learner. Teachers applied their professional judgement and made a decision as to whether the learner had demonstrated the standard required to be awarded a specific grade. Departments had to support awarded grade(s) with a clear and unambiguous rationale which had to be underpinned by evidence documented on an assessment recording sheet.

To ensure consistency and fairness the WJEC provided schools with online continuous professional development on unconscious bias and objectivity. As a school our approach was very transparent and we communicated with learners and parents regularly and published our assessment plans.

Departments were required to implements internal quality assurance processes to ensure consistency and we also worked with our alliance school to quality assure our processes and our data.

Learners received their provisional CDG grades in early June. This gave learners an opportunity to appeal their grade if they believed an error had been made. Grades could only be appealed in learners believed an error had been made in determining their overall grade.

We only received four formal Stage One Centre Review requests which is testament to all the hard work put in by our staff to ensure the grades awarded were robust and accurate.

It has been an immensely challenging time for learners who were expecting to sit their A-levels, AS and GCSEs. We are immensely proud of the resilience and tenacity shown by them and it was fantastic to see so many happy faces when they received their provisional grades.

We look forward to seeing our learners again in August for the official results day; for results day arrangements please refer to the letter which we have posted home. All students who have applied to join our 6th form will receive confirmation on GCSE results day. If you would like to discuss joining our 6th form please contact Miss Reed, Head of 6th form.


Thank you for your continued support and I wish you all a restful summer break.



Yours faithfully,

Mr G. Turner

Deputy Headteacher