Learner Transport Protocol

Introduction - Download the guide Learner Transport Protocol March 2021
This protocol sets out expectations and key guidance for parents/carers, their children. The protocol reflects Welsh Government guidance. It can be applied across schools and settings in the county and in colleges, and be used by contractors who provide learner transport.
Please note that this protocol could be affected by changes to national guidance.
Parents and Learners
It is the parents’ responsibility:
(a) To ensure learners do not travel if anyone in the household is symptomatic, in which case the learner(s) shall stay isolated for the prescribed 10 days unless contacted by the Track Trace Protect team where exact details will be given by TTP.
(b) To ensure that your child aged 11 or over has a supply of face coverings before travelling each morning and afternoon. Your child aged 11 or over is required to wear a face covering unless medically exempt.
(c) To acknowledge a zero-tolerance for poor behaviour on transport (to include circumstances where a learner fails to follow instructions given).
(d) To ensure learners wash their hands (or for younger learners that parents do that for them) or use appropriate-strength sanitiser to the appropriate British Standards thoroughly before leaving their home or school to board their vehicle.
(e) To remind learners to board and alight transport single file, for those over 11 years of age maintaining a 2m distance at all times, while waiting and queuing.
(f) To remind learners they must ensure they follow any instructions given by their driver or school/college staff.
(g) To remind learners that they will be allocated a specific seat on their vehicle and that learners must remain in that seat for their entire journey. There will need to be different arrangements for those travelling on local bus services.
(h) To remember that the School Travel Code and behaviour framework will continue in operation and any learner that misbehaves, risks or causes damage or injury to the vehicle, driver or passengers or in any way threatens the health & safety of other passengers or vehicle will be subject to an immediate ban from Denbighshire School Transport for the learners involved.
On dedicated school transport vehicles over eight seats, learners will load from back to front and unload from front to back. Learners who qualify for free transport who travel on local bus services will need to follow the respective operator’s instruction.
Use of Face Coverings
These are required for all learners in secondary and tertiary education no matter the vehicle on which they travel. Your child aged 11 or over is required to wear a three-layer face covering at all times while travelling. It is your responsibility to ensure that your child has a supply of face coverings before travelling each morning and afternoon.
Some learners, however, need not wear a face covering. This includes those for whom doing so would create a medical risk, cause distress, and in some situations where a learner has additional learning needs.
Drivers may wear face coverings if they or their employer feel this is of benefit and where this is individually assessed. Drivers may wish to apply sanitiser frequently.
Where drivers have to assist in the buckling of seat belts for small children or in loading wheelchairs then face coverings alongside the frequent application of hand sanitiser and or use of appropriate gloves may be considered appropriate if instructed by their employing contractor through a risk assessment.
Staying as Safe as Possible
Learners should take the following precautions:
• When 11 or over, keep a 2m distance from people outside of your own household while waiting for your transport
• Face away from other people when waiting for and using transport
• Try to minimise the number of surfaces they touch
• Wash or clean hands with appropriate sanitiser for the prescribed time before boarding transport
• Immediately upon finishing your journey, washing or sanitise hands again as soon as possible
• Ensure that if a child is symptomatic that they do not use transport or attend school
• Ensure your child follows all instructions from drivers and staff, sits and remains in an allocated seat for the duration of the journey
• If the face covering is removed upon leaving the transport it must be placed in the bin provided.
• Have a contingency in place should the transport not arrive (e.g. if a driver is unwell at short notice).
If your child develops symptoms at school, you will need to make arrangements for your child to be collected. Symptomatic children shall not be permitted to use learner transport or local bus services.
Expectations for Learners
Learners will board calmly and one at a time, without pushing. Parents in allowing their children to use learner transport accept and agree to the terms set out in this protocol. Parents will need to share this document with their children and discuss it with them.
On public health grounds, there shall be a zero-tolerance policy regarding behaviour and seating on learner transport, including at stops, at education locations and the boarding and alighting of passengers. Learners who do not comply with these requirements will have their transport withdrawn with immediate effect.
Learners shall comply with the requirements and instruction of school/college staff when on site.
Parents will need to discuss with their children a contingency should a learner at a bus stop not be picked up by the driver (e.g. if the driver has become ill and as a consequence the transport is aborted last minute) or if the child’s name is not on the Council’s list of those who may travel.
Secondary and college learners should ensure that they carry with them their bus passes at all times.
Only those who are eligible may use dedicated school transport.
If you have not received a bus pass or confirmatory phone call/letter specifically about your child’s transport, your child will not be allocated a seat and will be unable to travel. The driver is under instruction to take only those learners on the list. This is for public health reasons. Please do not allow your child to go out for the vehicle. If you do and if your child is left on the roadside, you will need to ensure your child knows what to do and you should discuss this with your child.
We need to maintain an accurate list of learners to be able to cooperate with the Test Trace Protect procedures and if necessary we shall share your details with the appropriate agencies who help to stop the spread of coronavirus.
Where a child travelling on transport has symptoms, they should not use learner transport or go to school for a 10 day period or 10 days after a positive test. If another member of the household is symptomatic, children using school transport should not travel or go to school for 14 days.
All learners will need to wash their hands thoroughly in accordance with national guidance before leaving their home for the learner transport journey and again in the afternoon at school. If a learner at a bus stop in the morning/inward journey is symptomatic with recognised signs of covid-19 or is presented for travel with indications of covid-19, the driver will need to contact his/her employer before allowing the learner to travel.
If a child becomes symptomatic at school, including during the period immediately after the final bell (i.e. before boarding a learner transport vehicle), learners shall not board the vehicle. Instead, schools will invoke their own policies for virus containment and deal with the learner without their boarding a vehicle. Parents will need to collect their child.

Return to School – Further Information

Dear Parents and Carers,
Download the letter - 11th March 2021
I hope you and your families are well. Further to letters sent out last week by the headteacher, I would like to send out some further information to you in relation to some specific matters.
All pupils are required to be in full uniform if they are on school site from 15th March. This includes pupils that will still be accessing our hub provision. However, we recognise that there may be pressures with this due to restrictions and financial concerns. If there are any issues with uniform, please contact your child’s Head of Year and we will address these considerately. Furthermore, if you have any uniform that you no longer need, we would welcome any donations of old uniform that is still in good condition so that we can launder these and offer them to families who may require this support. These laundered clothes will be fully compliant with any Covid-19 risk management procedures.
Cashless systems
We operate ParentPay in school to ensure that there is no physical transfer of cash. However, there have still been some occasions where pupils have brought cash to school. Please be advised that due to concerns relating to Covid-19 that we are insisting on a completely cashless system and so all parents and carers need to use ParentPay. If there any concerns with this, please let us know so that we can resolve any issues.
Free School Meals
Between 15th and 26th March, for those pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals in years 7-11, if a particular year group is on site then pupils who receive FSM will need to eat their meals from the Diner as would normally be the case. These payments will be deducted to the payments you receive. The system for years 12 and 13 is different and these students have been informed of this. Payments will be received during the Easter holidays. If school returns to full capacity as expected on 12th April, all pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals will resume receiving these in school and payments home will cease.
Please see attached document with reminders about arrangements for transport. Please ensure that pupils who use transport are wearing face coverings, are socially distanced where possible and are fully compliant with the instructions of the driver.
Testing for students in years 10 and above
As mentioned in previous correspondence, we will be asking all students in years 10, 11 and 6th form to test themselves using a Lateral Flow Testing system. This will further support our risk reduction measures to allow for wider reopening of the school. Further information about testing will be sent out with an information letter and privacy notice being given to parents so that they can then give their consent for this to take place. The consent can be given electronically. For those learners above the age of 16, they can give their own consent to take part in the testing programme. This information will be sent out as soon as possible.

Teaching and learning
We are grateful for the many messages of support and positive feedback on our online learning provision which has been in place since January. Indeed 83% of parents said they were pleased with the online provision which has been in place for pupils. One of the key aspects or reopening the school for face to face teaching is the provision of a full and balanced curriculum. During the next two weeks many pupils will be having blended learning.
Year 11, 12 and 13 students will return to school full time, and return to their normal timetables. This will give them contact time with their regular classroom teachers and time to work on generating the evidence for their centre determined grades. Nearly all aspects of school life should return to how things were before Christmas for these pupils.
Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 pupils will be in for days to check in, catch up and prepare for a full return after Easter. In the first instance we will be completing some wellbeing sessions with the pupils, and checking in. But through their time in school we will be focussing on skills such as literacy and numeracy to help to ensure that pupils are back up to speed ready to learn new and exciting content when we return in April. We also aim to ensure that pupils are inspired to enjoy their learning and cover things in an interesting way.
Online Learning will continue to be provided via Microsoft TEAMS for all students when they are not on site. This will continue to be a combination of set work and live lessons. However, with all staff on site delivering face to face sessions with pupils it will be impossible to maintain the level of live lessons we have been over the last few weeks. All students should still have access to some live learning in each subject, but the majority of work will be set for pupils to complete.
We hope to be able to welcome all pupils back full time after Easter, and to return to the way we were working before Christmas for all pupils
Yours faithfully
Mrs. Claire Turner
Deputy Headteacher

Child sexual abuse investigations: a guide for parents and carers

Stop it Now! is a campaign to help prevent child sexual abuse. They have produced a leaflet in both Welsh and English providing parents/carers with information about child sexual abuse investigations.

To access the leaflet please click on the following link and share the information as appropriate.

Child Sexual Abuse Investigations – A Guide for Parents/Carers.

Return dates for pupils and students from March 15th

Dear Parents and Carers,

Download this letter - March 5 return ltr

Download the information booklet - March booklet pupil_V3


I hope this letter finds you well and safe. We are at a time when we can begin to look forward to the future with some amount of optimism. The first stage of returning to normality is to get pupils and students back into lessons as quickly and safely as possible.

As outlined in my letter sent out earlier this week, we will be welcoming back learners from the 15th March. Years 11, 12 and 13 will return to full time education from this date so that they can focus on the critical task at hand, working with their teachers to that we can assess them fairly to determine their GCSE and A-level grades. We will also allocate specific days for other year groups to allow for the “catch-up” days as described by the Education Minister.

Once again, a booklet explaining the procedures and systems in place for their return will be issued to all pupils and students. Our plans are based totally on the guidance from the Welsh Government and we have made sure that the health and safety of all pupils and staff is at the centre of our planning, whilst also making sure we can get back to face to face teaching as soon as possible. We will continue to evaluate and amend our procedures and risk assessments as we review how successful the return to school has been.

Pupils and students will return in the following order from March 15th:

Key points for the 15th March and beyond


  • The main focus will be on exam classes and supporting them to achieve.
  • For the 2 weeks before Easter, the emphasis will be on catching up with Years 7, 8 and 9, checking their wellbeing and making sure they are ready for a full return in the new term.
  • The curriculum and timetable will return to normal for all pupils on the 12th April.
  • All pupils will continue to be taught where possible in the same classroom, with the teachers moving around the building
  • All classrooms will still have desks pointing in the same direction to minimise any spread of infection
  • PE lessons will take place just as they did before the lockdown.
  • Homework will continue to be set on Microsoft Teams reducing the need for books to be shared between staff and pupils

Health and Hygiene

  • The same rules apply around not attending school if a pupil shows any symptoms of Covid-19
  • The school will work closely with Denbighshire County Council on Test, Trace and Protect
  • The same strict hygiene measures will still be in place
  • The rules on washing hands and hand sanitisation will still be in place
  • Intensive cleaning of the school will continue to happen during the day and after school to reduce any risks
  • Where social distancing is not possible for pupils and students, facemasks are now to be worn in classrooms
  • Face masks of medical grade quality will be provided for all pupils and students. These will be washable and reusable
  • Face coverings are no longer required to be worn in outside areas as long as social distancing can be maintained
  • PPE has not been advised in schools except when administering first aid and for our cleaners


  • All members of staff will be tested twice a week using Lateral Flow tests. This testing regime will add an extra layer of protection within the school for all members of our community
  • Year 10 pupils and above will be tested twice a week using Lateral flow tests. We are yet to receive these tests so the start date and further information on how these tests will be administered will follow when we get more information. This may not begin until after the Easter break. Testing is not compulsory but we would like as many of our pupils and students to take up this offer to help protect us all


  • Each year group will continue to have their own point of entry/exit into/out of the school. The pastoral team will be at these doors to welcome each year group
  • Each year group will have their own designated toilet area which will be cleaned thoroughly throughout the day
  • All pupils will be expected to arrive for registration at 8.40am and school finishes at 3pm
  • Where possible, classes will not mix. Where this is not possible, mixing will be kept to a minimum
  • There will be a reduced menu at lunch in the diner and no food will be served at break time to Y7 to Y11. Sixth form students will have access to the diner at breaktime only. All payments will be made via ParentPay using the cashless system
  • Any pupil wishing to bring in their own food for lunch may do so
  • Pupils from different year groups will not mix at break or lunch. Pupils of the same year group will have break and lunch together and be able to socialise whilst maintaining social distancing
  • All pupils are to wear full school uniform
  • Our in-school hub provision will continue for the 2 weeks before Easter
  • Online learning will continue for year groups who are working from home
  • Water towers are still switched off. Pupils are asked to bring in their own water to last the day
  • Arrangements for 6th form students will be included in the information booklet
  • Transport for pupils will return as normal
  • We continue to encourage all pupils where possible to come to school by walking or cycling
  • Enrichment activities are still suspended for now but they will return at the earliest available opportunity
  • No adults can accompany pupils into school. Parental meetings will continue to take place by phone or remotely or by invite only into school


Please be aware that all plans are subject to change based on the infection rates in our community and direction from Welsh Government. The school will continue to be a very safe place when pupils and students return and I look forward to the 15th of March so that we can get back to educating our wonderful pupils. Please contact the school (info@prestatynhigh.co.uk) if you have any questions or concerns and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Best wishes

Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.

Pennaeth Headteacher

Welsh Government announcement on reopening

Dear all parents and carers
Download the letter - 3rd March letter
I do hope you have kept as well as possible and have managed to cope with the current restrictions we are all under during this lockdown. Hopefully this will be the last lockdown and we can return to a much more normal way of life in the not too distant future.
Today, the Minister for Education made the formal announcement that secondary schools in Wales will begin to reopen to pupils and students from the 15th March 2021. Alongside this information on reopening, we have also received the latest operational guidance from Welsh Government on how to reopen as safely as possible.
I am sure lots of parents and learners have many questions and I will answer them fully over the next few days once we have worked through the latest guidance. I will write again to you all with clear plans on how the school will be set up, how we will be ready for our students and pupils return and any changes that will impact how the school will operate. Once our plans are in place we will communicate the latest changes to our risk assessments and operating procedures.
Please find a list of key pieces of information below which will help you understand the latest announcement from Welsh Government on reopening:
 All pupils and students in years 11 and 13 are to return to school on the week beginning 15th March. These classes are exam classes and they need as much time in school as we can manage so that they can gain the highest grades possible. Further detail on their return will be sent out this week.
 Some pupils and students in years 10 and 12 will begin to return to school on the week beginning 15th March. Some of these classes have exams this year and need as much time in school as we can manage so that they can gain the highest grades that they are capable of. The days these year groups will return will be decided and communicated as soon as possible.
 All other year groups will be able to access school for some catch up days before we break up for Easter on the 26th March. The rota of days these year groups will return will be decided and communicated as soon as possible.
 Online learning will still take place for pupils and students working from home whilst the school transitions and returns to full capacity.
 Our in -school hub provision will still continue for eligible pupils. The logistics and timings will be communicated with parents and carers as soon as we have had further advice from Welsh Government and DCC.
There have also been developments from Welsh Government on how to organise the school safely as pupils and staff return to class. I have listed the main changes to the guidance from Welsh Government below and included what this means for our learners:
 In secondary settings and colleges face coverings should be worn in all communal areas and in the classroom where it’s not possible to socially distance.
This change now means all pupils and students must wear face coverings in classrooms during lessons as it is impossible to socially distance in our school. The only exception to this is if learners have a medical exemption.
 Twice weekly testing will be available for year 10 learners and above in schools and colleges.
This change means that all pupils and students in years 10, 11, 12 and 13 will be tested for COVID-19 using lateral flow asymptomatic test kits. This testing will begin when their year group returns to school for face to face lessons. The logistics and procedure for the administering of these tests is yet to be shared with schools.
I will write again as soon as possible to inform you of the plans for the return of each year group and the arrangements on how we will conduct the testing of pupils and students. I will also update all parents on any further guidance we receive. As always, please contact the school if you have any questions about this latest announcement.
As pupils return, we will continue to be a safe, protective environment for all members of our community.
Best wishes and continue to follow the latest government advice
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

Letter to learners re outcomes of Ofqual consultation

25 February 2021

Download the letter - 250221 Letter to learners

Dear Learner

Information for learners about assessment arrangements for vocational qualifications

We wrote to you on 9 February about arrangements for vocational qualifications this year. Following today’s announcements made by Ofqual, we are now able to provide you with further information about the assessment arrangements for vocational qualifications for Summer 2021.

In January, Ofqual held a consultation to ask for views on the arrangements for vocational qualifications. That consultation has now closed and Ofqual has published the findings.

Many vocational qualifications taken in Wales are also taken in England and Northern Ireland. Some vocational qualifications, such as Essential Skills and those in Health and Social Care, and Childcare, are only available in Wales. As regulator for qualifications, we’ve made sure that the approach to awarding vocational qualifications in 2021 is the same, regardless of where they are taken.

I’m taking a qualification that is similar to an A level or GCSE. How will I get a grade?

If you are taking a qualification that is similar to A levels or GCSEs, such as BTECs, WJEC Vocational Awards and Applied Certificates and Diplomas or the new Health and Social Care: Principles and Contexts qualifications, then your grades will be determined by your school or college based on a range of assessment information.

As with A levels and GCSEs, your school or college will ensure that the assessment of your work is on topics that you’ve been able to cover during the course, so you are not at a disadvantage from this process.

Awarding bodies will be providing more information about their specific requirements over the next few weeks. You should receive your result no later than

learners who are studying A levels and GCSEs. A level results will be published on 10 August and GCSE results on 12 August.

My qualification is not similar to a GCSE or A level but I need it to progress. What happens to me?

Some qualifications support progression to further study or employment but are not similar to GCSEs or A levels, such as Essential Skills Wales qualifications. Exams and assessments for these qualifications can continue where it is safe to do so, remotely or in person. Adaptations that have been put in place will still be available. If you are unable to take the assessment when you need to, then alternative arrangements will be available for you to give you every chance to progress. Awarding bodies will provide guidance to centres on the alternative arrangements.

Essential Skills Wales qualifications will continue to be available, but if you cannot take the assessments due to the impact of COVID-19, then you will be able to receive a result based on the judgement of your teacher or assessor. They will use a range of assessment information, which could include assessments that you have completed at your school, college or training provider, or at home. More information about their specific requirements will be provided by awarding bodies over the next few weeks.

I’m taking a qualification that requires me to demonstrate practical or occupational competency. Will I be able to get a result?

If you are taking a qualification that requires you to demonstrate practical skills, such as plumbing, construction, performing arts or hairdressing, then you will need to be assessed on your practical skills before you can qualify. Your assessments should be continuing as normal where possible, although they may be held in a different way, for example remotely or with slightly different tasks. In some cases, your assessments may need to be delayed until they can be carried out safely in line with public health guidance. Welsh Government has published operational guidance to support centres to get learners back safely.

How can I find more information about my qualification?

Check the awarding body’s website for more information on the approach for each qualification. The awarding body will be sending more information to your school, college or training provider about what you will need to do to complete your qualification as soon as possible. You can also look out for the Ofqual explainer tool, which will be published during March where you will be able to search for the approach for your qualification, including qualifications only available in Wales.

Qualifications Wales Learner Advisory Group

We’re setting up a Learner Advisory Group that will help us talk to learners and understand what they need from us. We welcome applications from a range of learners from different backgrounds, including those studying vocational qualifications, to ensure we have broad representation on this group. The closing date to apply is 7 March and there is more information about what is required on our website.

We will be publishing more information about awarding in summer 2021 as we can. There is information on our website and we update this regularly.

Yours sincerely,

Philip Blaker

Chief Executive

Sessions to improve skills in various GCSE, AS and A level subjects

The Covid pandemic has resulted in students across Wales missing out on certain aspects and the opportunity to improve skills in various GCSE, AS and A level subjects. In order to support pupils across Wales, e-sgol will be running a number of sessions to support pupils with aspects of their work. These after school sessions will run for four weeks starting from Monday 1st, March.

These webinar sessions will be broadcasted through a live event on Microsoft Teams and facilitated by teachers from across Wales who have an expertise in the subject they’ll be delivered. The sessions delivered will be recorded and can be used at a later date.

For more information including when the sessions will be held, visit the following website
