Important information and announcements made by Welsh Government

Dear all parents and carers

As promised, I write to you again with important information about the latest developments and announcements made by Welsh Government.

Announcement 1 on school closures:

Unless there is a significant reduction in cases of coronavirus before 29 January (the date of the next three-week review of the regulations) school and college students will continue to learn online until the February half term.

This means that all pupils will not access face to face learning in school until 22nd February 2021 unless we are advised differently. All learners at PHS will continue to learn using online teaching and resources. Pupils who are still attending school in our hub will continue to do so until the end of this period of closure. All of the current measures for learning, free school meals and safeguarding remain in place.

Announcement 2 on internal assessments that were due to be taken instead of end of year exams:

Following the First Minister’s announcement today that most pupils will continue to learn remotely until 29 January or possibly even February half term, Qualifications Wales is announcing that the spring internal assessment window for GCSE, AS, and A level, which were planned to take place between 22 February and 23 April, will not take place and new arrangements will be made.

The school will do everything in its power, as we did last year, to make sure that any system that is devised to allocate grades to our pupils and students is fair, accurate and it does not disadvantage anyone based upon their postcode. We will keep you informed as and when we get further information on these changes and any decisions that are made.

These latest changes are far from ideal and I understand the tremendous strain they will put on families, pupils and all learners in examination years. We will do what we can to make sure the next six weeks are productive and as beneficial as possible. All parents must ensure their son/daughter completes the work online and supports them whenever possible with their studies. If there are any issues please contact the school so that we can address them immediately.

The school is also engaged in developing an in-school testing programme which will be fully operational by the time all pupils return. Any testing will be focused on pupils and students that are identified as contacts by TTP. Further information and guidance for parents will be shared as soon as possible.

Prestatyn High School remains open just as we have been since the start of the pandemic and we are here to support however we can. The next few weeks will be very challenging for many families in our community. As a school, and as a community, we will do all we can to support anyone who needs it. If you require any assistance please do not hesitate to contact the school. Similarly, if you would like to help us support the community, there is a Parentpay link on our website for donations to our local food banks.

Hopefully this new lockdown will be the last and we can begin to get back to normal after half term.

In the meantime, please make sure that our pupils are following the government advice by staying at home, following the rules and protecting the community from any further spread of COVID-19.

As always, I will write to you all again as soon as I get further information from Welsh Government. Regards


Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

PHS School update Jan 2021

Dear all parents and carers

I hope you had as good a Christmas as possible during these difficult times.


As you are aware, the Welsh Government made an announcement yesterday that all schools in Wales will continue to remain closed to pupils and students next week. This means that all learners will continue to study at home using online lessons until their planned return on Monday the 18th January 2021.


Whilst once again being disappointed with this decision, I understand the need for a national effort in trying to control the virus and the new variant of COVID-19 which is putting increased strain on all areas of our community including the NHS.


We are still awaiting further advice and guidance from the Government on any future plans.

The school will continue to operate as it has done during previous closures. We will still be open to pupils who a) require additional support as identified by the pastoral teams or b) need to attend school because their parents are critical workers. I urge all parents and carers to contact the school if you wish to send your son or daughter into school over the next two weeks so that we can plan and prepare for their attendance.


The school will continue to provide online lessons and work for all learners until they return to school for face to face lessons.

All pupils eligible to free school meals will continue to receive payments from DCC to cover the costs of these meals whilst they are away from the classroom.

I will write again as soon as I have received further information about any future education changes made by the Government. Any alterations to the planned examinations/ assessments will also be communicated as soon as we receive further instruction. Please contact the school if you have any questions about this latest announcement.

Finally, please remember our school has been a very safe place with very few infections over the past 10 months. When pupils return in the near future, we will continue to be a safe, protective environment for all members of our community.



Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.

Pennaeth Headteacher



Return to school and college arrangements


04 January 2021


Kirsty Williams MS, Minister for Education


Download the statement - WG Written Statement - Return to school and college arrangements - 4 January 2021 - Final#3


The situation in Wales and across the UK remains very serious. Today, the four UK Chief Medical Officers have agreed that the UK is now at the highest level of risk, Joint Biosecurity Council level 5.

In the light of that decision the Welsh Government, in consultation with the WLGA and Colegau Cymru, has agreed that all schools, colleges and independent schools should move to online learning until January 18th.

As a government we will use the next two weeks to continue to work with local authorities, schools and colleges to plan for the rest of term.

This is the best way to ensure that parents, staff and learners can be confident in the return to face to face learning, based on the latest evidence and information.

Schools and colleges will remain open for children of critical workers and vulnerable learners, as well as for learners who need to complete essential exams or assessments. On this basis Special Schools and PRU’s should remain open if possible.

We had initially given schools flexibility in the first two weeks of term to decide when to reopen based on local circumstances.

But it is now clear that a national approach of online learning for the first fortnight of term is the best way forward.

We know that schools and colleges have been safe and secure environments throughout the pandemic.

However, we also know that education settings being open can contribute to wider social mixing outside the school and college environment. 2

We are confident that schools and colleges have online learning provision in place for this immediate period.

Universities in Wales have already agreed a staggered start to term. Students should not return to universities for face to face learning until they are notified that they can do so.

Wales remains in the highest level of restrictions. Everyone must stay at home.

I will continue to update members.

Christmas Letter – From the Headteacher

Dear all parents and carers
I do hope the final week of term has been manageable and that all pupils and students have been able to access and progress through online learning. The lateness of the announcement made by the Welsh Government was not ideal and I thank you all for adapting so quickly.
Urgent update:
Today, Denbighshire County Council have made the decision and instructed all schools in the county to continue to deliver online lessons for the first week back after the Christmas break. Due to the two INSET days, this means that all pupils will be expected to continue with virtual learning for 6th, 7th and 8th of January 2021, just as they have this week. Unless we receive further guidance, the plan is for all pupils and students to return to face to face learning on the 11th of January. The school will operate as it has this week and we will still be open to pupils who require additional support. Please contact the school if you have any questions about this latest announcement by DCC.
As this very challenging year draws to a close and we reflect on how difficult it has been for us all, I would like to take time to praise the whole school community. The school never closed during the year, we remained open for key workers and vulnerable children during the initial lockdown and provided online work for the rest of the school. The experience we gained during the first closure has made us better able to react to further enforced measures just as we have done this week. The school continues to collect thousands of pounds for local charities and food banks and we did our best to assist the most vulnerable in our neighbourhood. Our great Technology department made thousands of visors for carers and NHS staff across the county. We worked together as a community to support each other and of that I am truly proud.
Since returning in September we have not been instructed by TTP to send a single year group home, unlike so many of the schools up and down Wales. We did ask the Y13s to pivot to online learning for one week as a precaution, but besides that, we have nearly full attendance. Having all of our pupils in school since September has been a remarkable achievement, an achievement by us all and one that must be recognised and praised. It is only with strict measures in school and full adherence to the government guidance at home that we have been able to control the prevalence of the virus. Due to this vigilance, the associated contact tracing measures have been kept to a minimum. It has been a difficult time but one that has brought the best out of our pupils and the community, we have worked together to ensure that the virus has not spread which has protected the elderly and the vulnerable.
The end of COVID-19 and the restrictions we have been placed under, will hopefully happen sometime in the new year, but until then we must remain vigilant, keep each other safe and follow the rules on stopping the spread. Please make sure that all pupils continue to follow the guidance whilst out of school, especially now they are being asked to work from home for a period of time. The last thing our community needs is a spike in the virus R rate before or after Christmas.
2021 will bring new, fresh challenges. These challenges will be centred around our examination year groups. What will the new system of awarding grades look like? Will it be fair? How can we make sure that our pupils and students are not disadvantaged? I will work tirelessly to ensure that the grades awarded to our learners are the grades they deserve and that they are not discriminated against based upon their postcode. As soon as I receive further information about how the grades will be awarded I will write out to all parents to keep them updated. The information and guidance is not due to arrive until mid-January.
The new year also brings hope that we can return to a normal school sooner rather than later. Pupils moving from class to class rather than spending lots of time in one classroom. More practical activities in some subjects. It will hopefully also mean that we can bring back the amazing extra-curricular activities we pride ourselves on here at PHS. As soon as we are able to, these additional clubs will begin once again. Alongside these extra lessons, the new year will see the start of plans for new school trips to a multitude of destinations. These are essential elements of our school and I cannot wait for them to return.
Our enrolment for 6th Form 2021 is reaching the end of the first stage, and I urge any pupil who has not yet asked for a place to do so quickly as this is on a first come, first served basis and they may not get the course of their choice if they do not apply soon.
After we return in the new year and until we get advised otherwise, face coverings will still be insisted upon in school. This means all members of our school community must wear masks in all areas including outside yards during break and lunch times. Face coverings are not required in a classroom or whilst eating in the diner.
2020 has been hard but I truly believe that it is a test that we as a community have not just survived, we have become stronger by getting through it. The pupils, students and staff now look forward to a well-deserved break and I do hope everyone can have as normal a Christmas as possible.
Best wishes and I hope you all have a restful, safe and wonderful Christmas.
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

End of Term letter from Geraint Davies Interim Head of Education (DCC)

Dear Parents and Guardians

Download the letter

As we approach Christmas and the end of the autumn term I wanted to take this opportunity to write to thank all pupils, staff and families for their support and efforts is the fight against COVID-19. Your efforts have proven successful as the rates of confirmed cases associated with Denbighshire Schools continue to be low. This is down to the hard work of all concerned.

The announcement yesterday from the Education Minister Kirsty Williams stated that secondary schools and colleges in Wales will all move to online learning from Monday, December 14 as part of a ‘national effort to reduce transmission of coronavirus. This decision was taken following expert advice from Wales’s Chief Medical Officer showing that the public health situation in Wales was deteriorating.

Primary and Special schools are encouraged to remain open however we are monitoring their individual positions carefully and if there are any significant increases in Covid19 cases the current position could change.

Each secondary schools will be arranging remote learning for their pupils and to echo the words of the Education Minister this period is not an early Christmas holiday; online education will be provided up until December 18th.

I know that Christmas time in all of our schools is a time of great excitement and joy for our students. It is also a time of year when the temptation to stray from the strict rules we have been asked to follow for so long may be higher than ever. I would ask that in order for everyone who have worked tirelessly to enjoy a happy Christmas holiday, we continue to observe the rules as I know so many of you have.

Thank you for all of your support during what has been a hugely challenging term for all of our schools and the communities they support and work in. I hope that you have a happy and restful Christmas.

Yours sincerely

Geraint Davies Interim Head of Education

Online learning for pupils from 14th Dec

Dear Parents and Carers

I do hope this letter finds you well. On Thursday 10th December the Welsh Government announced that all secondary schools will switch to online learning for all pupils and students for next week, meaning that all learners are not to attend school for the final week of this term. This announcement has arrived with little notice for schools to plan and respond. School is not closed and staff are to attend and deliver lessons in this week.


Here are key points of information to address many of the issues for next week:

 All learners are to work from home via TEAMS for the final week. This week is NOT an early holiday and teachers will be setting online work for completion

 All lessons and work set will follow their normal timetable

 Teachers will be available on TEAMS to give support during lesson time where possible

 Any pupils or students who do not have a device that is capable of accessing online learning are required to contact their Head of Year so that we can set paper-based work. During the first lockdown the school gave out over 100 devices for learners that needed them and we do not have any further capability to provide any more technology

 Any learners on free school meals will receive an additional payment from DCC to cover this week. This payment will be made on the 21st December

 All learners MUST work online for this week and must continue to follow the government guidance on social distancing and remaining COVID-19 safe. Whilst in school, all learners and staff have been kept safe. This level of precaution and safety must continue whilst not in school

Pupils highlighted by the school as vulnerable or in need of additional support may still attend school just as they did during the initial lockdown. Parents and carers must contact the school if their child wishes to access this in school provision using the following email address:


DCC Education and schools did not call for this closure or switch to online learning, this is a national approach and a decision from Government based upon advice from the Chief Medical Officer. PHS have had very few cases of COVID-19 and we have not been directed to send any year group home by TTP since September. We did send Y13 home for online learning for one week as a precaution. Our attendance is one of the highest in the country and we are disappointed with this announcement.


I will write to you all again next week with a further update from the school.

School will be open to all pupils and students as planned on the 6th of January 2021


Best wishes and stay safe

Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.

Pennaeth Headteacher

A Christmas message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents / Carers

We are fast approaching the end of another school year. I think it’s fair to say that this has been one of the most challenging years we have faced as a community and as a school. Despite the immense challenges of a global pandemic we have kept Prestatyn High open, our pupils learning and everyone safe. I am exceptionally proud of the maturity shown by the learners and the professionalism of our tremendous staff.

As is tradition, and in recognition for the hard work our pupils have put in over the past four months, I am pleased to announce the school will be closing early at 12.20pm on Friday 18th December. This will allow pupils and their families a little extra time together to prepare for Christmas and enjoy a different routine on a Friday afternoon.

Pupils are expected to attend school and lessons as normal. The school has made all the necessary arrangements for school buses/taxis to be at school early to transport pupils home.

The last day of term will be a non-uniform day for pupils. Pupils wearing their own clothes are expected to make a £1 donation which will be donated to the local food bank and Hope House Children’s Hospice.


School re-opens for new term:

The school re-opens for students on Wednesday 6th January. The 4th and 5th of January are staff training days.
I’d like to wish everyone a lovely break, a Merry Christmas and a Safe New Year.


Yours faithfully,


Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA

The effects of COVID-19 on children in Wales

The Welsh Government is funding a survey to understand the effects of COVID-19 on children’s mental health and well-being, as well as their physical activity levels. If you agree, your child will be asked to complete an online questionnaire (should take 10-15 minutes) and some children will be selected to wear an activity monitor (like a FitBit) for a week. Both will be repeated at a second time point a few months later.


New rules on face coverings in schools

Dear Parent/ Carer,

I hope you are well during these ever-challenging times and that you and your family are safe and looking forward to the Christmas break which is just around the corner. I am sure you have all seen the latest news from the Welsh Government this week on the use of face coverings and the changes to their requirements. I am writing to clarify what these changes will mean for students and staff in the school.

It has been agreed across all secondary schools in Denbighshire that in order to comply with the new Welsh Government guidelines on the use of face coverings, that all students and staff MUST wear a face covering in all areas of the school. This will include visitors and parents who come on to the school site. The main change is that students must wear face coverings in the yard and field areas. The only exception to this rule will be when students are in their lessons and when they are eating their lunch. Staff do not need to wear a face covering when teaching in classrooms or when working in socially distanced offices. This will come into effect from Monday 30th November 2020 at 7am.

We call upon all parents and carers to support us with these Welsh Government guidelines and remind their children about the importance of following these new regulations.

May I also take this opportunity to remind you that should your child or anyone in their household develop the symptoms of Covid-19, that they do not come to school and remain off school until there is either confirmation of a negative Covid-19 test of the require isolation period has ended. Attached along with this letter is a reminder about the protocol in relation to this.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Yours faithfully

Mr Neil Foley