Additional professional learning day (staff training day)

Dear Parents and Carers,

I do hope you are safe and well during these difficult times. We have had a very challenging year as a community, but hopefully there is now some light at the end of the tunnel. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of our community for the support they have given all local schools in facing these challenges head on. Working together for the benefit, safety and continued education of the young people of Prestatyn is our top priority.

Important information:

We have today received confirmation from Welsh Government that all schools across Wales are required to allocate an additional professional learning day (staff training day) during this academic year. This is to prepare and plan for the “New Curriculum for Wales” which will be rolled out over the next few years.

To minimise any inconvenience, the schools in the Learn Prestatyn partnership (the High school and all local primaries) have agreed the same date for this additional day on Tuesday 5th January. This means that both the Monday and Tuesday after the Christmas break are now training days.

As a reminder I have listed below all of the scheduled training day dates for this academic year (2020/21). All schools in the Learn Prestatyn cluster will be closed to pupils on these dates.

• Monday January 4th

• Tuesday January 5th (Additional date)

• Monday June 28th • Monday July 5th

• Monday 19th July

• Tuesday 20th July



Event on Calendar

Friday 11/12/2020

6th Form applications deadline

Friday 18/12/2020

Last day of term – Christmas holiday begins

Monday 4/1/2021

Training day

Tuesday 5/1/2021

Training day

Wednesday 6/1/2021

School open for pupils – Spring Term begins

Friday 12/2/2021

Last day of half term

Monday 22/2/2021

School open for pupils

Friday 26/3/2021

Last day of spring term – Easter holiday begins

Monday 12/4/2021

School open for pupils – Summer term begins

Monday 3/5/2021

May Day Bank Holiday

Friday 28/5/2021

Last day of half term

Monday 7/6/2021

School open for pupils

Monday 28/6/2021

Training day

Monday 5/7/2021

Training day

Friday 16/7/2021

Last day of term


With the last two training days falling on the final two days of the academic year, the last day of school for all pupils will be Friday 16th July.



Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

Regarding: Summer Exams 2021

Dear Parents and Pupils

I do hope that you, your families and the whole Prestatyn community are doing well during these unprecedented times. I would like to pay tribute to the whole community in your efforts to follow the guidelines on staying at home during the recent firebreak and observing the social distancing rules. Years 7 and 8, who attended school last week, were fantastic and it was pleasing to see so many Yrs. 9-13 engage with their teachers online.

Historically exams have been the fairest way to differentiate attainment and award achievement, however it has been clear for some time that due to the number of schools that have had to send entire year groups home, it would be unfair to hold end of year examinations. Today the Education Minister, Kirsty Williams, announced there would be no end of year exams for GCSE, AS and A level qualifications in 2021.

In her press release she has outlined how externally set and marked teacher assessments will form the basis for centre assessment grades.
Please read the letter from Kirsty Williams Minister for Education - 2020-11-10 - letter to schools and colleges Summer 2021

The Welsh Government will be finalising their plans in December and schools will be given further guidance in the spring term.

Once Welsh Government expectations becomes clearer we will keep you updated via letters and the school website on any new information we receive off the Government, WJEC and Qualifications Wales.


Yours faithfully,


Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

COVID-19 and Young People Survey

We’re a team of researchers at Swansea University and we are asking if you would like to take part in our research which wants to hear your opinions about coronavirus and how it has affected your school.

Before you decide whether or not to take part, please take the time to read this information. If you decide not to take part, that is absolutely fine and we thank you for considering taking part.


The coronavirus pandemic has really impacted the lives of you and your friends. We are interested in finding out and exploring the thoughts and feelings of young people on coronavirus. We believe young people haven’t been able to have their say and we want to give you a voice.


If you agree to take part, we will ask you to sign a form agreeing to participation and you will then fill out our survey. Your responses will be anonymous, you do not need to give your name. Survey responses will be stored securely.


You have been invited to take part as you are a young person living in Wales and we want you to have your say on matters that affect you.


Participation in this research is entirely voluntary, it is up to you. If you decide to participate, you are reminded that you can remove yourself at any time, without giving a reason and with no disadvantage to you of any kind.


By your participation, we aim to understand the experiences of young people and inform planning for future opportunities.


The are no risks of participating in the study and this project has been approved by the University Research Ethics Committee (a group of people at the University who decide whether the project is okay to do).


All information collected will be kept private and confidential. The data will be looked at by responsible researchers at Swansea University and will be kept on password protected computers in secure offices.


The results will be published in recognised journals and also presented at conferences.




Dear Parent/Carer


Two vacancies have arisen on the School’s Governing Body for a position as Parent Governor as a result of two of our existing parent governors’ term of office coming to an end.

A nomination paper will be sent home with Prestatyn High School pupils for these positions and if you are interested in standing or inviting another parent to stand please ensure the nomination paper is fully completed and returned to (Mrs. Liz Thomas, Clerk of Governors) by 1.00pm on Thursday 19th November, 2020.

The role of Governor can be both demanding and interesting and I would be happy to discuss this with anyone who would like further information.


Yours faithfully

Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.

Pennaeth Headteacher

Important information from North Wales Police – Halloween and Bonfire Night

Please see the following important information from North Wales Police that they have asked us to communicate to all our learners as we approach another lockdown period in Wales. 

For Halloween

  • We ask everyone to think how they can keep everyone safe this Halloween and not spread Coronavirus.
  • Traditional trick or treating is not allowed. 
  • Halloween parties in either your home or at another venue are not allowed.
  •  Do not to meet anyone indoors that you don’t live with and do not meet up with your friends either indoors or outdoors.
  • Celebrate at home instead of going out and about.


For Bonfire Night

  • There will be no organised public bonfires or firework displays this year.
  • No visitors are allowed into your garden. If a firework display in your garden turns into a party at your house, you are putting everyone at risk of catching the Coronavirus.   The adults who look after you will be breaking the law.
  • REMEMBER it is illegal to buy Fireworks under the age of 18 - your parents/carers could be prosecuted.
  • You shouldn’t set off fireworks in a park or other public open space.  All local authorities in Wales have banned this.
  • Setting off fireworks in the street is anti-social.  It can be a fire risk and is against the law. 

We kindly ask people to act responsibly and to keep each other safe. Staying safe and not adding extra pressure to the emergency services will be important.

In addition to the above the School Community Police Officer team have created two vlogs to support the above messaging. Please follow the link below to view;

PHS November Circuit Break

20th October, 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
Download the letter - PHS November Circuit Break
I do hope you are well and coping with the extraordinary times we are going through.
As announced on the 19th October by the First Minister, Wales is entering a short period of lockdown with secondary schools only to be open to Year 7 and 8 pupils for the week beginning 2nd November.
During this time the school will remain open to all staff and we will switch to online learning for Years 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. This means that the working methods we established and developed during the first lockdown will now swing into operation. Your teachers will soon be in touch with you with further instructions about how the online learning will work. For the year groups that will not be in school it is important to remember that this is not an extended holiday, they are expected to work from home for this week.
As a school, we are extremely disappointed that five out of the seven of our year groups have been asked to work from home for the week after half term, especially with most of these years having important examinations coming next year. Unfortunately, this is beyond our control, but we will do everything we can to ensure continuity of learning for these pupils and students.
If any pupils and students have issues accessing online learning please inform the school before we break for ½ term so that we can organise alternative arrangements. Pupils and students that were issued with a school device during the first lockdown must use these devices again to access the online work set by your teachers.
Key points
  • Pupils and students in receipt of free school meals will once again have money paid into their parent’s accounts. Please contact DCC direct if you do not receive these funds using the following phone number 01824 706000, or email address:
  • The Year 7 and 8 pupils that remain in the school for the week after ½ term will continue to receive a full, broad and balanced curriculum. We will also make sure that we remain fully compliant with the latest COVID-19 guidance and ensure the safety of all staff and pupils.
  • As there will be less pupils in school we will try to give Year 7 the full experience of secondary school that they have so far missed out on. Examples of this are; accessing the diner at lunch time and full use the science labs. We will also make sure that their lessons, where possible, are out of their base rooms.
  • Year 8s will also have amendments to their timetable to ensure they too get a fuller experience of school life.
  • Pastoral staff will work over this period to make sure they contact any pupils that are highlighted as needing extra support. They will also contact any pupils and students that are not accessing the online work.
  • All external exams in November will still take place. All students involved will be contacted by the exams team to explain how, when and where these will be organised.
  • Any students or members of our school community that have been instructed by Public Health Wales to isolate must continue to do so until the end of the time period highlighted in their letter.
Whilst in this temporary “circuit break”, it is essential all members of our school community follow the guidance and restrictions set out by the Welsh Government so that this period of partial closure can make a real difference to the spread of the virus in the future. I am sure you all join me in hoping that the measures they are putting in place will be the last that they need to impose on us all.
I will write to you all again, as and when we get further guidance from Welsh Government
Please email if you have any questions or concerns and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Stay safe
Best wishes
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

Updated! – Information regarding a confirmed case of coronavirus in PRESTATYN HIGH

Download the letter - Information letter for Parent-Carers


NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect has been informed of a confirmed case of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in Prestatyn High.


Prestatyn High remains open. It is working closely with Public Health Wales, the Local Authority and NHS Wales Test, Trace and Protect to ensure that all the appropriate measures are in place to protect students, staff and the wider community. This letter is to inform you of the current situation and to provide advice on how to support your child.


All close contacts of the case have been identified and have received appropriate advice to self-isolate.

This has impacted 18 6th form students and one member of staff.

An additional 4 students, 3 Y12 and 1 Y13 are now having to self-isolate up to and including the 29th October


1 member of staff must self-isolate up to and including the 29th October

As previously mentioned as a precautionary measure all Y13 students will not attend school from this coming Monday, for one week and will access school work via Teams


Your child has not been identified as a close contact and therefore does not need to self-isolate and does not require testing for COVID-19. They can continue to attend school as usual.


However, as a precaution, please be alert for any symptoms of COVID-19:

  • A new or continuous cough
  • A high temperature
  • A loss of or change to sense of smell or taste


If your child develops any of these symptoms, even if they are mild:

  • Book a test for them by phoning 119 or through the online portal:
  • Inform the school that they are unwell with COVID-19 symptoms and that you have requested a test
  • Your child should self-isolate for 10 days from when their symptoms started
  • All other household members should isolate for 14 days from when your child developed symptoms
  • Do not visit a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital but if you require medical advice please contact NHS 111 or telephone your GP; if there is a medical emergency phone 999
  • Please follow the advice provided when your child receives their test result


To reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading, there are things that everyone in your family can do to help. These include:

  • washing hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • using hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • washing hands as soon as they get home
  • covering their mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not their hands) when they cough or sneeze
  • putting used tissues in the bin immediately and washing hands afterwards


Further information on symptoms and self-isolation can be found here

Further formation on Test, Trace, Protect can be found here

For general information on COVID-19

The COVID-19 online symptom checker can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do


With best wishes,


Mr Neil Foley

Head Teacher

On behalf of Public Health Wales Health Protection Team

Lunch and breaktime – Please bring a coat to school

Dear Parent/ Carer,


I hope you are all keeping safe and well during these unpredictable times. To keep the school safe and secure during this challenging period, it is necessary to work within our current strict, Covid-19 parameters and risk assessment. These measures involve keeping our year groups in ‘bubbles’ and not allowing them to mix. Each year group has its own designated area during breaktime and lunch so that they can get fresh air during their free time. Due to the limited space inside the school we have to use all of the outdoor spaces to keep the pupils apart. This also means that they are separated during their allocated time in the diner, when one year group moves into the diner, another year group goes outside.

As the weather turns against us, we will still need to utilise all of the outdoor spaces to keep the bubbles apart unless the weather is extreme. Only on occasions of heavy rain or other similar weather conditions will we bring the pupils in from their designated outdoor space. I request that all pupils bring a coat to school so that they can stay warm whilst outside. I ask all parents to remind your son/ daughter to bring a coat with them to school.


Yours faithfully,

Mrs Claire Turner
Deputy Headteacher

Important Information – Test, Trace and Protect team

Dear all parents

Message from Denbighshire CC and the Welsh Government

It is essential for the safety of our community and our schools that all members of the public who are contacted by the Test, Trace and Protect team:

  • If instructed to self-isolate, they do so immediately
  • They remain isolated for the full length of time they have been instructed
  • They remain home until isolation is over

Full information and guidance is available on the Welsh Government website:

Many thanks for your cooperation

Neil Foley