PHS School Developments

Dear Parents and Carers


A very warm welcome back after a hopefully relaxed, rewarding and enjoyable summer break. I am writing to you today to inform you of some changes for this academic year and some very exciting developments that will take place in Prestatyn High School this year.

  • Summer 2019 saw the school and our outgoing Year 11s achieve the best ever results. The percentage of our pupils achieving 5 higher grade passes of a C grade or above including English and Maths increased by 10%. These results were a testament to the hard work and dedication of the pupils and all of the staff here at PHS. This was all achieved in an environment of much tougher and demanding GCSE qualifications. We have even greater hopes and expectations of the current Year 11 group.
  • Our A level results continued to rise and for the 3rd year in a row we have improved on the year before. Our results in 2019 put us in the top 25% of schools in Wales and England. We are exceptionally proud of our Year 13s and the results they gained this year.

These amazing results in Y11 and Y13 reinforce our belief that what we are doing day to day is the right thing to do and that the high standards we hold are having an impact. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of staff and parents for their part in these excellent results.

  • There has been major investment over the summer break in the school including the replacement/renewal of the all-weather pitch surface and additional pathways around the school. Over the next 6 months four of the science labs will be completely refurbished to the highest of industry standards.
  • There are many other works on the way this year including additional fencing at the front of the school and an increase in the capacity of our car parks to reduce congestion on Princes Avenue. Please watch this space for further updates this year.
  • We have developed a new Additional Learning Needs Hwb in the school so that we can improve and develop our ability to impact on the needs of pupils who need extra support in the school.
  • With the support of the Local Authority we have created a new resource in the school called the Engagement Centre Prestatyn (ECP). This centre will be for pupils who need extra support in accessing mainstream education due to their behavioural needs. This facility will provide an enriching curriculum, teach selected young people how to behave socially in and around school and how to develop their skills in the classroom so that they and others can make maximum progress in lessons. If your child is referred to the ECP you will be given further information. The ECP is designed to help pupils that are struggling to access their lessons and therefore are falling behind in their education.
  • The school has also started an internal inclusion support project with the aim that no pupils will be externally excluded from PHS. This inclusion support will allow our pastoral team to deliver training to pupils so that any negative behaviours that have arisen, are dealt with immediately and modified rather than the pupil being sent home.
  • The school is launching a large initiative this year to reward all pupils and we will also have another Awards Evening early next year.


Our unswerving commitment to having the highest standards of attendance, punctuality and uniform remain the same. Our whole school attendance target is 97% and pupils on target to achieve/exceed this will be regularly rewarded. Any pupil failing to comply with our uniform policy will be challenged and parents contacted, in exceptional circumstances pupils will be sent home to dress correctly.

All staff and pupils are very proud of the way the new uniform looks in the community and I would like to thank all parents and carers for their support. I am sure the whole community are as delighted as we are with the improving outcomes this great school is achieving.

I look forward to your continued support this academic year. If you have any questions or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the school.



Yours faithfully

Neil Foley – B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

Prestatyn High School – GCSE Results 2019

Prestatyn High has once again achieved excellent results this year at GCSE. Students, parents and staff shared in celebrating some exceptional performances and personal achievements.

There have been many outstanding individual performances this year with several pupils achieving the very top grades and overcoming many obstacles.

Headteacher Neil Foley said

“What a set of results from the class of 2019. These results demonstrate and recognise all the hard work and effort they have put in over the past two years. I would also like to thank all of the parents for their support and the staff for their tireless energy”.

Prestatyn High minimised the impact of the more challenging qualifications by improving the quality of teaching and learning in all areas of the school. There was also a clear plan for all pupils to help with revision sessions, ensuring all students were well prepared for the rigours of GCSEs/BTECs. The extra preparation has yielded superb results, particularly across the core subjects of English, Maths and Science.


We are delighted with their performances and look forward to welcoming our students back for 6th form sign-up Monday 2nd of September, 1pm.

Prestatyn High School – A level Results 2019

Prestatyn Sixth continues to develop high achievers’ year-on-year with 2019 being one of the most successful yet. Students at Prestatyn High are celebrating their successes following the publication of the 2019 A-level results. High aspirations and standards are having a marked impact on the great results our 6th formers have achieved. The A-level results for the class of 2019 have seen the overall pass rate remain consistently high for the second year running with many indicators seeing a marked increase.



Glen Vernon, Head of Prestatyn High Sixth Form said,

“These results are hugely significant for all concerned. The students and staff have worked extremely hard this year and I am delighted to see them rewarded”.

The vast majority of PHS students have achieved their potential and can now continue on to their University of choice or employment.  This reflects real dedication, commitment and the support their teachers, families and friends.


Mr Foley, Headteacher was absolutely delighted with the improved results and said

“Once again our students have performed at the highest level and achieved results that are truly outstanding. We expect the highest of standards from all students and staff so that all learners achieve their potential and yet again, our students have surpassed our expectations. They are a credit to the school, their families but most of all to themselves. They have done the hard work and now can go on and achieve their dreams”.







Our topAlevel and BTEC performers were – Molly Addison Distinction* Distinction* C C – Noah Bennett – A* A A B, Tom Davies – A A B B, Amy Gibbons – A* A* B B, Sarah Higham – A A A B, Lydia Hughes – A A A B, Tegan Hurst – A B Distinction C, Ellie Macdonald – A A A BJasmine Owens – Distinction* Distinction* BKatie Parry Distinction* Distinction* B, Holly Pike – A A B B, Tayla Rees – A A B B, Emily Campbell – Distinction* Distinction* B C,  Alex Holbrook – Distinction* Distinction* Distinction Distinction, Ryan Leadbetter – Distinction* Distinction Merit B, Millie O’Connor – Distinction* Distinction* Distinction B B, Jess Price – Distinction* Distinction C


Anyone interested in enrolling in the Prestatyn High School Sixth Form is invited to attend the school at 1.30pm on Monday 2nd September 2019.

End of Summer Term

We are fast approaching the end of the summer term. This year the school will be closing early at 12.20 on Friday 19th July. This is an opportunity to reward our students for all their hard work. This day will also be a non-uniform day. A donation of £1 is expected which will be donated to a local charity.

However, I am keen to stress that I do not expect to see a dip in attendance just because it is a shortened day. Students are expected to attend school and attend lessons as normal. The school has made all the necessary arrangements for school buses/taxis to be at school early to transport pupils home.

School re-opens for new academic year:

The school re-opens for students on Wednesday 4th September. The 2nd and 3rd of September are training days for all staff.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the students and parents of Prestatyn High School for all their support this year. As a school we continue to make excellent progress in regards to pupil outcomes and attendance, and we will continue to work tirelessly to ensure Prestatyn High School is the best school in Denbighshire.

I look forward to seeing our years 13, 12, 11 and 10 during the summer holidays as they collect their examination results; more information will be available on our website.

I’d like to wish everyone a lovely and safe break, and I look forward to welcoming our students back in September in full uniform, refreshed and ready to achieve.

Download the letter – 2019_6_26_Closing early 2019 (1)

School Uniform Recycling Initiative

Don’t throw it away – reuse and recycle old school uniform.

Prestatyn High School are running a school uniform recycling initiative this summer. This is an opportunity for parents to donate any unwanted/outgrown uniforms in good condition so that they can be recycled and made available to other families.

During this summer term, a small group of Year 10 Welsh Bacc pupils will be helping to run the scheme as part of a Community Challenge volunteering project.

The Uniform Recycling Scheme aims to encourage the ex-pupils of Prestatyn High School to recycle and donate old school uniform items rather than putting them in the bin. There are many families across Denbighshire who would benefit from your generosity.

PHS Uniform Recycle Scheme

During the school summer holidays, parents often start to buy new uniform for next year and get rid of old. By recycling old school uniform, you could be helping families in your local community who may not be able to afford to buy new. Throwing anything in the general waste should always be a last resort as the majority of the time there is a more environmentally friendly option. Not only does making use of second-hand clothing have a fantastic impact on your pocket and on strengthening the community, but it also plays an essential role in sustaining our precious environment and protecting our natural resources. A win-win situation for everyone!

Simply drop off at the Main Office or email for more information: