Year 11 Mock Examinations – December 2018

Dear Parent/Guardian,


Please be advised that the Year 11 mock examinations period will commence

on Monday, 10th December, 2018. The mock exams period is exactly what it

states; it is a mock opportunity to experience the full examination process. It is

a dress rehearsal for the full performance in the summer. Students will receive

a personalised examination timetable after half-term and any student entitled

to special concessions will be granted these in order to support them fully.

We aim to get as close as practically possible to the real event, going so far

as to hold a mock results day in January whereby students will gather in the

hall and collect their envelope of results experiencing the anticipation that they

will feel on the final results day.


The mock exams are not intended to be threatening or a judgement of ability.

Students should see them as a useful way of improving their knowledge and

memory as well as directing their future efforts. The mocks are also a

powerful tool for teachers and give vital information in relation as to whether

students are sitting the appropriate tier and what support/intervention they

might require.


We believe that the mock exams are highly beneficial for students and ask for

your support to work in partnership with us in encouraging your son/daughter

to take the mock examinations seriously and to ensure they are well prepared

for their mock exams.


Download the parent letter – Y11 Mock letterY11 Mock letter

Download the timetable – December Mocks 2018 – Timetable-2


Open Evening Success

A record turnout of prospective parents and pupils attended the Open Evening at Prestatyn High School. Visitors came to the school to view the facilities and listen to the school’s vision, delivered by the Headteacher, Mr Neil Foley. Guests were welcomed into the school by a host of pupils handing out a Prestatyn High School welcome pack. There was live singing in the foyer by Head Girl Katie Sheridan and faculty members on hand to answer questions and to guide visitors on a tour throughout the building.
Highlights from the evening included the Headteacher’s presentation and an explosive live demonstration from the Science Department. There were reading activities, sporting challenges, maths puzzles, F1 racing D&T, plus many more engaging activities within the subject areas.

During the Headteacher’s presentation, Mr Foley touched upon key factors that highlight the successes of the school. Starting the presentation with a collection of photographs highlighting the high schools new uniform, Mr Foley said “this new uniform looks amazing and shows what pride this community has” he went on to thank parents “all pupils look smart and aspirational, and we give credit to the parents for being consistent with this”
Alongside the new uniform, a new look Prestatyn High School was also highlighted “renovations have been made to bring the school into the 21st Century” Mr Foley spoke of the investments made into new I.T facilities and software for the schools pupils, new P.E changing rooms, new toilets throughout the school and also future plans for the property.
Mr Foley continued to share the success rates within the school with A-Level results being in the top 25% throughout the UK “these are results to be pleased with and how they can open doors to the future of our pupils”. Behaviour and attendance were also topics mentioned during the presentation, Mr Foley stated “the rules and policies we have in place are simple, we are caring, we are committed and we are fair” Mr Foley also stressed “it is so important that a pupils attendance is a priority” he continued “with an attendance rate below 90% that pupil has a 50% less chance to achieving Level 2 +”

The Headteacher’s presentation concluded with a question and answer sessions from the Year 7 & Head Team students. A treasure hunt helped pupils find out more about Prestatyn High School by answering questions about the school, subjects and departments. Transition coordinator Kate Roberts said: “Every transition year is important and I personally get to know each and every child by their first name, so each child is known, nurtured and safe.” Open Evening overwhelming support from parents.

Headteacher Neil Foley said: “The turnout was superb and clearly showed the passion, appetite and commitment the Prestatyn community has for educational excellence. We are a great school with a proven track record, giving our pupils the very best life chances by achieving the very best results. We have unapologetically high standards in all we do and continuously strive to improve the school in every area.”

Feedback from parents on the evening was extremely complimentary, one parent saying “It’s a lovely evening, very welcoming and just what we need to familiarise our son with the school” Our school ambassadors went on to say “it’s an opportunity to showcase the type of work we do here, the Science experiments highlight the practical elements of teaching”
We are a great school with a proven track record, giving our pupils the very best life chances by achieving the very best results. The feedback and support from parents was overwhelming and clearly indicated that Prestatyn High School is not only a possible choice, it is now their only choice for a 1st class education.

Our Open Morning is on Monday 8 October 9-11am. Visitors will be given the opportunity to view the school during normal hours.


Prestatyn High has achieved excellent results this year at GCSE. This has been achieved at a time when all exams and courses are significantly more difficult and challenging.

There have also been many outstanding individual performances this year with many pupils achieving A and A* grades.

Headteacher Neil Foley said “I would like to congratulate the class of 2018 on their exam achievements. These results are fantastic for our pupils and they are a testament to all the hard work and endeavour they have demonstrated over the past two years. I would also like to thank all of the parents for their support and the staff for their tireless energy”.

Enrolment for the Prestatyn High Sixth Form is at 1.30pm on Monday 3rd September.

Rebekah Fell-Crook 6A*, 3A, 3B | Alice Wright 3A*, 7A, 1B | Eleanor Davies 2A, 5B, 5C

Nathan Montgomery 2A*, 9A, 1B | Morgan Evans 3 A*, 5A, 3B compare their fantastic results.