Year 8 Parental Engagement Evening

Dear parents/carers,
The Year 8 Team would like to invite all parents and carers to attend our Year 8 Parental Engagement Evening on Thursday, 12th October at 5:00pm. This event will provide parents and carers with an opportunity to discover what we offer at Prestatyn High School for all Year 8 pupils.
The evening will include:
  • a presentation delivered by the year team;
  • an insight into the Year 8 curriculum;
  • pupil well-being, pupil expectations and school policies;
  • information regarding options;
  • a chance to speak to the year team to help support future improvement plans.
We hope to welcome all Year 8 pupils’ parents and carers as we strive to improve future provision and support for the entire cohort. We want to ensure that all pupils feel safe and happy at Prestatyn High School as we continue to prioritise their well-being and learning. We are eager to work closely with all parents and carers so we can continue to provide a first-class education for every one of our learners.
We look forward to meeting with you.
Miss K Larkin            Mrs. Delacoe                          Mr. Alcock
Head of Year 8           Deputy Head of Year            Assistant Head of Year

Public Health Wales vaccinations for children and young people

Dear Parents/Carers,
I would like to take this opportunity to share the following information from Public Health Wales regarding vaccinations for children and young people.
Vaccination is one of the most important things we can do to protect children and young people against ill health. The Welsh Government and Public Health Wales have developed the following guide to vaccinations for young people.  Vaccinations for young people - Public Health Wales (
The guide explains when and how vaccinations are offered to young people in school years 7 to 11 (ages 11 to 16) and why they are so important. Parents and carers are asked to read the guide. In addition, when each vaccination is due you will receive information from the school about the vaccination being offered along with a consent form. Please also read this information and return the consent form when requested, so that your child receives the best protection they can have against these serious diseases.
Thank you for your continued support,
Pam Hill
Assistant Headteacher

Enrichment Letter

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Download the timetable - Timetable Enrichment V1 23-24 JW

I do hope that you have had a great summer break with family over the holidays and are now ready for another successful and
engaging year. I have great pleasure in informing you that our enrichment opportunities are now up and running, offering a
fantastic variety for our learners. Prestatyn High School’s after-school enrichment timetable complements the successful
lessons delivered during the school day and takes place between 3pm and 4pm. The enrichment opportunities provide
students with additional learning, new social opportunities, and they help to develop new skills and interests. Enrichment is a
fantastic way to increase enjoyment of school life and create an inclusive, community spirit within the school, whilst also
increasing skills and building character. Taking part in these sessions not only helps the students build confidence, but it also
helps them feel part of a team where they can develop communication skills.
The sessions and classes on offer are for all year groups, and these encompass the core areas of additional learning, group
sessions and sports. The enrichment sessions are decided by the students, and a dedicated member of staff oversees the
sessions on offer, along with senior members of the school. The sessions this term include: Art Club, Computer & Board Game
Clubs, Debating Club, Eco Club, F1 in Schools and Lego (along with many more). The PE Department will be offering a choice of
traditional sports such as netball, football, basketball and gymnastics and, over the coming months, we will include a variety of
activities including less traditional sports such as archery, table tennis and lacrosse. These may attract students who enjoy
engaging in new challenges. Each of these activities are managed by members of the PE Department. Engaging in any form of
physical activity is good for well-being.
We are now looking to expand the enrichment offer further and are looking for members to join the Enrichment Council so
students can take a lead in sessions and play a more significant part in future plans. This will give students more access to the
timetable and make key decisions on the sessions and plans going forward, whilst building their leadership, communication
and team skills. We are also excited to announce that we will be becoming a member of the Children’s University and this will
link into all the enrichment sessions and provide students with new and exciting opportunities.
I have attached a copy of the timetable for you to see what we have on offer this term. All sessions are colour coded, with pins
for which year group can attend, as shown with the key at the bottom of the page.
All of the enrichment sessions will be on our computer systems and will be registered just as they would be in a normal lesson.
If your child gets a school bus home, and wishes to attend an enrichment session, they can book to get home via the Prestatyn
High School minibus at reception. They will need to let the reception team know the date, time, home destination and
enrichment activity. The school mini needs to be booked in advance to ensure we have space. The latest time to book on the
bus is by first break on the day of travel.
I do hope your child takes up this fantastic opportunity, and I look forward to welcoming them to the sessions.
Yours sincerely
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA. - Pennaeth Headteacher
James Williams - Enrichment
Alex Fuller - Enrichment

Welcome back to school

Dear Parents/ Carers,
Now that we have had two weeks back to school, I thought that I would take this opportunity to
write to you all and update you on the latest developments in Prestatyn High.
Firstly, can I praise the vast majority of parents and pupils for how well the new academic year has
started. Pupils look smart, ready to learn, and have a real desire to be successful. Pupils have
returned refreshed and focused, which is great to see. As a whole staff, we are really motivated to
make this year the best year yet for outcomes, progress, and doing everything we can to ensure all
learners enjoy their time in school. It is only with the full support of conscientious and determined
parents that we can make sure we achieve all of our goals.
Full attendance to school is essential and I want to impress to all parents and carers that making
sure your children are in school is key to their current and future success. If you have any queries
about attendance, please contact your son or daughter’s Head of Year. Please ensure that all pupils
are in school every day unless it is absolutely necessary to keep them away for serious illness or
similar unavoidable reasons.
I would also like to praise our outgoing Year 11s and 13s as their summer results at GCSE and A-level
were excellent once again, allowing them to access the next stage of their educational journey. Well
done to you all. We have even greater hopes and expectations for the class of 2024!
Over the summer, and into this term, we have had multiple building works going on in school to
make sure the educational environment for your children is the best it can be. These works are in
various stages of completion, but all will be done by the end of this calendar year. These works
 Lifts installed to all necessary 1st floor areas to improve accessibility around the school
 The final phase of the science lab refurbishment
 A new covered walkway to ease congestion on the corridors
 The removal of the old mobile classroom to give pupils more space at break and lunch
 Gym roof and ceiling replaced
I am delighted that we as a school and Denbighshire local authority are investing in the site so that
we can continue to deliver a first-class education to all of our learners. Whilst I continuously petition
for a totally new school building, I am happy that the existing building is in great shape.
Finally, all of the amazing extra-curricular clubs, trips and events will soon be up and running in
Prestatyn High. I am particularly looking forward to see our pupils jetting off skiing once again, the
production of Matilda in the new year, and seeing how well our sports teams do in competition this
year. The things our pupils achieved last year were fantastic and I have no doubt we will surpass
them in 2024.
Best wishes,
Neil Foley – BSc, MA

Uniform from Mon 11th Sept

Dear parent / carer
I hope you are all well and enjoying the current heatwave.
Looking at the weather next week, the Met Office are forecasting much cooler weather.
Therefore, from Monday all pupils are expected to be in full school uniform including wearing their blazer.
Many thanks for your anticipated support.

GCSE Results 2023

It has been a day to celebrate the achievements of our Year 11 pupils. We are extremely proud of them all and delighted to see so many of them achieve top GCSE grades. 
We would also like to thank our dedicated and committed staff for guiding our learners in ensuring they were prepared for their GCSEs.
We would also thank our parents / carers, community and governors for their support and tireless energy.

Mr Foley, the exceptionally proud Headteacher commented:  

These excellent results are testament to the hard work and resilience of our amazing pupils. Our Year 11s have worked alongside all staff in the school  to achieve these remarkable results. Well done and good luck with the next stage of your education journey. 

I am sure our pupils will all go onto even greater success, with many of them embarking upon A-levels with us in our 6th form. 
To the class of 2023; we are so proud of you.

GCSE results day 24th August

School will be open from 9 am for pupils to collect their results in the Neuadd Mathew Williams.
Pupils to enter the building to get their results via the main reception.
If a pupil is unable to collect his / her results, another person may collect the results but must bring a signed letter confirming they have permission to do so.
GCSE results will not be emailed / shared with pupils via Teams
Pupils who have any queries regarding their results will be able to speak to members of staff including the Y11 pastoral team and senior leadership team.