Y7/8 Parent Letter – Accelerated Reader

AR Parent Letter

All pupils in Years 7 and 8 at Prestatyn High School are enrolled in Accelerated Reader as part of our whole-­‐school literacy improvement plan. Accelerated Reader is an online computer program that monitors pupils’ independent reading practice and progress. Pupils take online reading tests (STAR tests) four times during the school year. These tests assess pupils’ reading skills and identify the level that they should read at for optimal development. Pupils then choose books at their own level, using the colour-­‐coded system, and read them during directed time in school and at home. When they finish reading books, pupils take short quizzes on the computer. Passing a quiz indicates that the pupil has understood what has been read.

Pupils in Years 7 and 8 are required to carry a suitable Accelerated Reader book in their school bag every day. They are directed to complete silent, focused reading during registration sessions at least three times per week and during dedicated lesson time for up to one hour each week. In addition to this, group tutors will set Accelerated Reader homework, expecting pupils to read for a minimum of ten minutes each day at home. This will be monitored through pupils’ “engaged time” on Accelerated Reader, which calculates the approximate time spent reading per day based upon the length and complexity of the books that pupils pass quizzes on. If using the directed reading time productively, pupils should be able to maintain the expected 20 minutes of engaged time per day that they need to achieve if they wish to be invited to participate in year group trips in the summer term.

Pupils can log on to Accelerated Reader through the link on the school website at any time, allowing them to check their progress and to search for new books that they might enjoy within their identified reading range. Reading quizzes can be accessed between 8am and 5pm on school days.

As with all aspects of their education, your support for Accelerated Reader is vital to your son’s/daughter’s success. I hope that you will encourage them with their reading and celebrate
success with them as they improve and progress.

6th Form Taster Evening – Tues 27 Feb

The Prestatyn Sixth 6th Welcome and Taster evening

Dear Parent/Carer

I am delighted to invite you to the Prestatyn 6th ‘Welcome and Taster’ evening Tuesday 27th February 5.30 to 7.30.
A great many students have already chosen to study with us next year and indicated their preferred courses and options. This taster event will give you the chance to see how the lessons are taught at advanced level and for those who are still unsure, it will allow leaners to make a more informed choice. Research has found that being prepared and having the right information is crucial when planning for the future.

As a school we are extremely proud that 70% of our students gained at least a ‘C’ in their A levels and 97% achieved at least a Merit in all BTEC courses, with 79% gaining a Distinction or Distinction *. Not only do we have one of the largest Sixth Forms in Wales, but we also have one of the lowest NEET figures (not in education employment or training) as well, at 0% for the last two years. Every 6th former who studied with us successfully went onto the next stage of their education or career. I am also pleased to be able to say that nearly 90 students took up their place at university in the summer including Cambridge University where one of our current Yr13 students has also just secured a place.

It is crucial that students get the right information at the right time. The evening will give you and your son/daughter a flavour of what 6th form life is like and will allow you to meet representatives from all subjects as well as student ambassadors and the student management team in the classes you will be taught in. There will be an introductory presentation in the hall and then you will get the chance to visit up to four subject areas.

I look forward to seeing you on the night and wish your son/daughter every success in their examinations.

Yours faithfully

Glen Vernon
Head of Sixth Form

Welsh Government Yellow Rating

THE Welsh Government have released ratings showing how schools are performing. The system aims to provide support and resources to improve the school system and raise standards and performance in Wales.
A coloured support category is given for each primary, middle and secondary school.

Colours for band gradings include green, yellow, amber and red.

The colour shows the level of support the Welsh Government and the four school improvement consortia think each school needs with the best performing schools ranked green. This year, for the first time, instead of just looking at areas such as performance, including GCSE results, schools are judged on wider issues including wellbeing and the quality of teaching and learning.

PHS Yellow band grading

“PHS has worked tirelessly to improve in all areas and this has been acknowledged by the school moving from Amber to Yellow.”

Neil Foley – Prestatyn High School Headteacher

With most schools in Wales and England seeing their GCSE results decline, the results at Prestatyn High have improved significantly. Pupils achieving a A*-C in English language have risen by 20% to 69% which is unprecedented and is a real sign that the changes we are making are having a big impact on improving the life chances our young people.

PHS Uniform Consultation Results

Dear Parent \ Guardian

Following our recent consultation with parents, pupils and staff regarding the school uniform, I am pleased to share with you the latest developments and the next steps. The consultation process showed a clear desire amongst all stakeholders to change the school uniform and the outcomes are available to view on the school website. In broad terms, 60%, 78% and 99% of pupils, parents and staff respectively, indicated that they did not wish to retain the existing uniform, with the majority of each of these groups showing a preference for a blazer and tie. In addition, the majority of each group questioned preferred introducing the uniform into all year groups in September 2018.

It was interesting to note that the overwhelming majority of pupil respondents recommended against any prescription surrounding the inclusion of a common school
bag as part of the uniform. During the consultation process, a School Uniform Working Party has been established in order to consider the outcomes, develop a range of options and to make recommendations to the Governing Body. The Working Party comprises Parents, Pupils, Staff, Governors and School Uniform Suppliers, and now meet on a regular basis to develop recommendations for Governing Body approval.

In considering any recommendations, the Governing Body will be mindful of the key points expressed during the consultation as follows:
• Retention of the traditional Maroon colour in any new uniform.
• The affordability of the uniform, especially for low income families together with families with numerous siblings attending PHS.
• The durability of items and their ongoing maintenance and care.
• Securing consistency in the standard of dress with regard to style and colour.
• The ongoing availability and affordability of uniform items and the ability to purchase non branded items (e.g. white shirts) from supermarket chains.
• The timescale for implementation.

The School Uniform Working party is now developing the design, style and colour of the new uniform and a meeting will be arranged in the near future with all parents and stakeholders to share all information.

Additional information:
• The PE kit will be reviewed in the next academic year after feedback suggested there was no great demand for a change.
• A full review of the 6th Form dress code will take place with current Year 11 pupils and existing 6th Formers.
• Year 7 to Year 11 will wear the new uniform.
• Shorts will be included in the summer dress code for boys.
• The Working Party will discuss how best to reduce the cost of the uniform for Year 11 pupils as they will only be expected to wear the uniform for one year.
• In order to further support families, the Governing Body have agreed that financial support would be available for children that are in receipt of Free School Meals as at May 1st 2018. Details on what contribution the school will make and how to access this support will follow.
• In addition, for pupils who will be in Year 7 in September 2018, parents may be entitled to receive a grant towards the cost of their school uniform which is provided by Denbighshire County Council.

Next Steps
• The Working Party will meet regularly to develop the new uniform options.
• In the next few weeks there will be a meeting for all parents and stakeholders to go over the findings of the consultation and display the possible uniform that the Working Party have recommended.
• This meeting will be followed by assemblies for all pupils share this information and latest developments.

In the meantime I would like to thank you for your contribution to the consultation process and most
importantly for your continued support for the school.

Download and read the letter in full
Uniform ltr – Jan 2018

View the results
Uniform analysis v1 Jan 2018 Sheet1