Blood Brothers 28th Nov – 1st Dec 2017

Blood Brothers, a play by Liverpudlian playwright Willy Russell, revolves around twin boys (Mickey and Edward) who are separated at birth and brought up in completely different environments in the city. The play, set in the 1960s.

Mickey is brought up with his seven older siblings by his struggling single mother, Mrs Johnstone. His twin brother, Edward, however is brought up as the only child of the wealthy Lyons family, who live nearby, after Mrs Lyons persuaded Mrs Johnstone to hand over one of her twins at birth. Mickey and Edward don’t meet each other until they’re seven years old, but immediately become best friends and blood brothers. The bond continues when the boys are teenagers and both live in the countryside, despite them both being in love with Mickey’s neighbour Linda. However, as they get older, the huge difference in their backgrounds pulls them apart and eventually leads to their tragic deaths.

Written during a period of huge changes in society and politics, Blood Brothers draws the audience’s attention to the detrimental effect that social inequality can have on people’s lives.

Key Info:

Tuesday 28th November to Friday 1st December 2017
Prestatyn High School – Main Hall
Tickets: £5 per person

Tickets on sale 16th October 2017


A vacancy has arisen on the School’s Governing Body for a position as Parent Governor as a result of one of our existing parent governors’ term of office coming to an end.

Attached is a nomination paper for this position and if you are interested in standing or inviting another parent to stand please ensure the nomination paper is fully completed and returned to Liz Thomas, the Clerk of Governors, by 1.00pm on Thursday 23rd November, 2017.

The role of Governor can be both demanding and interesting and I would be happy to discuss this with anyone who would like further information.

Print and download the nomination form
Parent Gov Vacancy ltr & Nomination Form Nov 2017

Neil Foley – B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

Sixth Form Launch – 14th Nov

Sixth Form Launch – 14th Nov at 7pm.
Come and be inspired!

Course offer 2017 – 2018
Over 30 courses on offer, including:

Animal Management, Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Computing, Drama, Economics, English, English Literature, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, French, Geography, Geology, Health & Social Care, History, Hospitality & Catering, ICT, Law, Mathematics, Music, Performing Arts, Physics, Product Design, Psychology, Public Services, Religious Studies, Sociology, Spanish, Sport, Applied Science, Travel & Tourism, Welsh 2nd Language & Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate.