Dear Parent/Carer
Three vacancies have arisen on the School’s Governing Body for a position as Parent Governor as a result of three of our existing parent governors resigning due to other commitments.
Attached is a nomination paper for these positions and if you are interested in standing or inviting another parent to stand please ensure the nomination paper is fully completed and returned to (Mrs. Liz Thomas, Clerk of Governors) by 1.00pm on Tuesday 14th March 2023. Download the nomination paper - PHS PGOV_ELECTIONS
The role of Governor can be both demanding and interesting and I would be happy to discuss this with anyone who would like further information.
Yours faithfully
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

Industrial Action – 2nd March

Dear Parents/Carers,


As you will be aware, the strike action scheduled for the 14th February was postponed due to some progress in the talks between the unions and Welsh Government. This industrial action was postponed to the 2nd March to allow for further negotiations. Despite these negotiations, there has not been a sufficient breakthrough and, therefore, the NEU teaching union has announced a second day of national strike action on the 2nd March, 2023. This dispute is not with the school, but with the Welsh Government over pay and the funding for schools. We accept that this continued action is frustrating and disruptive for parents. For further information on why teaching unions are taking this action, please read the additional document I attached to the last letter sent out in January.

As a large proportion of our teaching staff will be involved in this strike action, I have again had to take the decision that the school will be closed to all students for that day. This is due to not having enough staff available to safely supervise pupils within the site. This decision has not been taken lightly, and follows a thorough risk assessment of the situation. The school needs a certain number of staff to be present to function and keep everybody safe. Due to the nature of the industrial action, no online learning will take place on the day of the strike.

The school will reopen as normal on Friday, 3rd March.


If your son/daughter is entitled to free school meals, they are eligible to pick up a packed lunch from the main reception of the school between 12.00 and 12.30pm. We would encourage eligible students to take this offer up.


Further strike action is proposed for the 15th and 16th of March.


We hope that talks between Welsh Government and the unions will reach a resolution before this date; however, if they do not, I will communicate closer to the time about arrangements for those days.
Many thanks for your continued support.


Neil Foley – BSc, MA

Free School Meal Payments information for parents and guardians

The Welsh Government are continuing to make funding available to make free school meal payments for eligible pupils during school holidays, in response to the cost of living crisis for the 2022 / 2023 financial year.

The Council have made arrangements for these payments to be made for the forthcoming half term holidays (20th February to 24th February), with the payment due to be made on Monday 20th February 2023.

Parents / guardians are being informed that the payments will be made based on eligibility for Free School Meals.

This is completely separate to the roll out of Universal Primary Free School Meals which has seen Reception age children and Year 1 pupils being able to access free meals this school term.


For more information go to: https://www.denbighshire.gov.uk/en/education-and-schools/grants-and-funding/free-school-meals.aspx

Neuadd Mathew Williams

On Wednesday, 8th February, Prestatyn High School’s hall was officially renamed as ‘Neuadd Mathew Williams’. It was an emotional service for all, and a fitting tribute to a man who left a mark on so many people's lives. A number of Mat’s family, close friends and colleagues attended the service. 


Mat joined Prestatyn High School in 2007. He was appointed as an English teacher and immediately adored by his colleagues and students. Mat directed amazing school productions during his time at Prestatyn High School. On Wednesday, Mia Jones, Year 10, delivered an incredible rendition of ‘On My Own’ from Les Miserables. During the service, tributes were paid to Mat, and they were both witty and sentimental. Mat had the ability to embrace the whole school community. Wednesday was our chance to pay tribute to his life and the impact he had on so many people. 

In 2020, he returned to Prestatyn High School to lead the Drama department. Mat will always be remembered for his extraordinary ability to bring the best out in everyone. He always remained positive, even as he faced his own personal battles. He always thought of others. Mat may no longer be with us, but his legacy will remain in the heart of Prestatyn High School. The school hall will become an area to recognise Mat’s dedication to our school. He was intelligent, sharp and witty. He achieved so much during his time here, and in his schools abroad, and we will never forget him. As the quotation outside Neuadd Mathew Williams states: 'There is nothing like a dream to create the future.' Mat's dreams will live on through generations of our young people forever.


By Matthew Chandler Reporter  - Rhyl Journal

Council reminds residents of scheme to help tackle Period Poverty

In collaboration with Hey Girls, and funded through the Welsh Government Period Dignity Fund 2022/23, Denbighshire County Council provides the subscription service for young people in Denbighshire. Download the flyer Period Dignity Flyer 2

The subscription is available to residents in Denbighshire and young people on roll at a Denbighshire school and offers free eco-friendly and plastic free reusable or disposable sanitary products. If over 18, participants must reside in Denbighshire and be in receipt of a low income benefit such as universal credit, income support, child tax credit to be eligible.

The service provides 6 months of sanitary products, or users can opt for a one off delivery of reusable products. There is a wide range of packages available, allowing the option to choose from mixed bundles.

The Council are working in collaboration with Hey Girls to provide this service. Further information about Hey Girls can be found at https://www.heygirls.co.uk/learn/you/, where you can find information about their products and how to use them.

The products will be delivered bi-monthly, with enough supplies for two months provided at a time. There will be total of three deliveries for disposable products, with reusable products being a one off delivery.

Councillor Gill German, Deputy Leader and Lead Member for Education, Children and Families said:

"This is a vital scheme, offering privacy and discretion, that provides sanitary products to those who may not otherwise be able to access them easily due to financial or other barriers.

Both re-usable and disposable products are available, with the option to choose from mixed bundles, giving users the choice to find the correct products to suit their individual needs and I urge anyone who is eligible to sign up to this scheme to make the most of this availability.

Research shows that period dignity is essential to both wellbeing and the removal of barriers to success in education and the workplace.

Thanks to this important Welsh Government funding and working in conjunction with our partners, we want to ensure that this dignity exists across the whole of Denbighshire, regardless of circumstance."

To apply for the scheme, or for more information go to: https://www.denbighshire.gov.uk/en/education-and-schools/wellbeing-in-schools/period-dignity.aspx

National strike action on the 1st February 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,


Industrial Action_Letter to parents

As you aware, the NEU teaching union has announced national strike action on the 1st February 2023. This dispute is not with the school, but with the government over the funding for schools. Whilst we accept that this action is frustrating for parents, we would encourage you to read about the reasons for the action which we sent out last week.
As a large number of our teaching staff will be involved in this strike action, I have had to take the decision that the school will be closed to all pupils for that day. This is due to not having enough staff available to safely supervise pupils within the site. This decision has not been taken lightly and follows a thorough risk assessment of the situation. The school needs a certain number of staff to be present to function and keep everybody safe. Due to the nature of the industrial action no online learning will take place on the day of the strike.
The school will reopen as normal on the 2nd February.
If your son/daughter is entitled to free school meals, they are eligible to pick up a packed lunch from the main reception of the school between 12.00 and 12.30pm. We would encourage eligible pupils to take this offer up.
Further strike action is proposed for the 14th February, we hope that talks between government and unions will reach a resolution before this date, however, if they do not I will communicate closer to the time about arrangements for that day.
Many Thanks for your continued support.
Neil Foley – BSc, MA

Year 8 Engagement Evening

Dear parents/carers,


The Year 8 Team would like to invite all parents and carers to attend our Year 8 Parental Engagement Evening on Thursday 9th February at 5:30pm. This event will provide parents and carers with an opportunity to discover what we offer at Prestatyn High School for all Year 8 pupils.


The evening will include:

· an opportunity to look at some examples of pupil work from all subject areas;

· a presentation delivered by the Head of Year, Deputy Head of Year and the Anti-discrimination and Anti-bullying Lead;

· an insight into the Year 8 curriculum;

· pupil well-being, pupil expectations and school policies;

· information regarding our upcoming options evening;

· a chance to speak to the year team to help support future improvement plans.


We hope to welcome all Year 8 pupils’ parents and carers as we strive to improve future provision and support for the entire cohort. We want to ensure that all pupils feel safe and happy at Prestatyn High School as we continue to prioritise their well-being and learning. We are eager to work closely with all parents and carers so we can continue to provide a first-class education for every one of our learners.


We look forward to meeting with you.

Miss P Riddings

Head of Year