School Transport Protocol – Jan 2022

With pupils returning on Monday, I would be grateful if you could please issue a reminder to all pupils and parents accessing school and public transport that face coverings are required for all learners in secondary education no matter the vehicle on which they travel.


All children aged 11 or over are required to wear a face covering at all times whilst travelling. It is parental responsibility to ensure that children have a supply of face coverings before travelling each morning and afternoon.

Some learners, however, need not wear a face covering. This includes those for whom doing so would create a medical risk, cause distress, and where a learner has additional learning needs.

A copy of the school transport protocol can be accessed via the following link

January 2022 Return to School – Important Information

Dear Parents and Carers -


I write to update you today about the latest announcement made by Welsh Government. Yesterday, the Minister for Education, Jeremy Miles, instructed all schools to use the first two days after the Christmas break as planning days to prepare for a “very high risk level”. This means that the 6th of January 2022 (Thursday) and the 7th of January 2022 (Friday) will now be used for planning for COVID-19 measures, not as INSET days. These changes to the days will have no impact on the date pupils will return and all pupils are still to attend school at 8.40am on the 10th of January 2022.


The planning days will be used to set the school up for very strict measures so that all pupils, students and staff are as safe as possible. We will also use this time to ensure that we are prepared for remote learning so that we are ready if we are ever asked again in the future to shift to online learning.


The 6th form mock examinations and all external examinations will continue as normal. These exams will also take place under strict COVID-19 rules.


A very important change that has been announced is that all staff and pupils are now asked to LFD test three times a week, beginning the week before they are to return in January. The Welsh Government have asked for all pupils now to test Monday, Wednesday and Friday every week. All staff and pupils are to continue to test over the holiday and then begin to test three times a week starting on the 3rd of January 2022. This is to ensure we are safe over the holiday break and also to make sure we are as safe as possible for when we return. If any pupils or students did not collect enough test kits, please contact the school and we will arrange for them to be collected on the planning days.


There is no plan at the moment to return to bubbles and contact groups but this is a rapidly changing situation. As we all know, there are still lots of unknowns, especially with the rise of the new Omicron variant. I will be getting regular updates over the Christmas break and as soon as I have further information I will write again to update you.


Please ensure that pupils and students continue to follow the government guidance on social distancing and COVID-19 rules during the holidays.


Once again thank you for your support during this very challenging time, it is only with your support that we have been so successful in limiting the number of lost learning days due to the virus. Our attendance is one of the highest in the country due to our vigilance and hard work in keeping the whole community safe.

Have a lovely, safe Christmas


Best wishes

Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

PE Kit Information

Dear parent / carer

Read the letter/view the kit - PE Kit reminder (2)

At Prestatyn High School, Physical Education plays a very important role in the development of our learners. Through an enriched PE curriculum, a broad and wide range of 5X60 after-school activities and a varied competition programme, we aim to encourage a lifetime love of sport which inspires all learners to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle and to reach their full potential.
Within our broad and balanced curriculum, we cater for all individuals from those who are talented at sport to those who do not feel confident in sport. Our objective is to ensure all learners feel physically confident in a way that supports their health, fitness and future development. We aim to educate your child on the importance of physical activity and how it is fundamental to a healthy active lifestyle.
In order for learners to fully participate in their PE lessons it is essential that they bring the correct kit to change into. The PE kit consists of:
· Maroon training tee
· Maroon multisport top
· Black quarter zip top
· Black training short and leggings
PE clothing can be purchased from Jean Emporium in Rhyl or First-Class Clothes in Prestatyn.
See the reverse of this letter for further information regarding cost.
Could all parents / carers please ensure their child arrives to PE lessons with the right kit. If a learner is not participating in his / her PE lesson they must bring a note from home which is dated and signed explaining the reason(s). When a learner is going to be excused for a long period of time due to medical reasons a doctor’s note must be supplied.
Thank you for your continued support. If you have any queries please contact your child’s Head of Year.
Yours faithfully,
Mr G Turner Mr C Evans
Deputy Headteacher Head of PE

Online Learning – Information

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Following the announcement from Denbighshire County Council that all learning will move online for the final two days of term I am pleased to be able to confirm arrangements with you for our final few days before Christmas.
Friday 17th December will be the final face to face day of learning for all students this term.  This will be a normal school day finishing at 3PM.  We will also continue with our plan for a non-uniform day, and this will now be on Friday. The cost of this will be £1 and the proceeds will go to the charity nominated by the school council.  This can be paid via parentpay.
From Monday 20th December all learning will take place remotely.
  • Pupils will be able to access learning online via our Microsoft TEAMS platform.
  • On the Monday work will be set in line with the timetable for all students.
  • These activities will mainly be recapping the learning from this term.
  • For the Tuesday each department will set a short fun Christmas themed activity and it is up to the pupils which activities they access.
  • Additionally, the pastoral teams will set a wellbeing activity for students.
  • Teachers will be available during school hours via TEAMS to support students with any queries relating to their learning.
  • Any student who cannot access TEAMS should speak to their head of year so paper copies of work can be provided.
Finally, I will take this opportunity to wish you and your families a safe and happy Christmas. We look forward to welcoming our pupils back in January.
Many Thanks
Alex Barons
Assistant Headteacher.

Switch to online learning

Dear Parents and Carers
Letter to parents 13-12-21


I do hope this letter finds you well. Today, 13th December 2021, Denbighshire CC announced that all schools will switch to online learning for all pupils and students for the last two days of this term. This means that next week (Monday and Tuesday) all learners are not to attend school for these days. School is not closed and staff will be working in order to prepare and set lessons for these final two days.


Here are key points of information to address many of the issues for next week:

  • All learners are to work from home via TEAMS for the final two days
  • This week is NOT an early holiday and teachers will be setting online work for completion
  • Lessons and work set on the Monday will follow their normal timetable. On Tuesday, there will Christmas themed activities
  • Any pupils or students who do not have a device that is capable of accessing online learning are required to contact their Head of Year so that we can set paper-based work
  • Any learners on free school meals will receive an additional payment from DCC to cover these two days. This payment will be made as soon as possible
  • All learners MUST continue to follow the government guidance on social distancing and COVID- 19 rules. Whilst in school, all learners and staff have been kept safe. This level of precaution and safety must continue whilst not in school
  • All staff and pupils are to continue to test twice a week using LFDs to ensure we are safe over the holiday break and also as safe as possible for when we return


DCC has taken this decision due to the emergence of Omicron, the new variant of concern and also due to the increased number of cases across Denbighshire.

I will write to you all again soon with a further update from the school. School will be open to all pupils and students as planned on the 10th of January 2022.


Update on Face to face learning - DCC update


Best wishes

Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.

Pennaeth Headteacher

Christmas Holiday – Closing early information

Dear Parents / Carers - 2021_12_06_Closing Early


We are fast approaching the end of another school year. It has been a challenging year for us all as the threat from Covid remains ever present. Despite these challenges I am extremely proud of how the pupils, staff and community have helped the school lose so few teaching hours over the past 12 months and I ask all parents and carers to continue to be vigilant over the Christmas season.


As in previous years, and in recognition for the hard work our pupils have put in over the year, I am pleased to announce the school will be closing early at 12.20pm on Tuesday, 21st December. This will allow pupils and their families a little extra time together to prepare for the festive season.

Pupils are expected to attend school and lessons as normal. The school has made all the necessary arrangements for school buses/taxis to be at school early to transport pupils home.

The last day of term will be a non-uniform day for pupils. Pupils wearing their own clothes are expected to make a £1 donation, via ParentPay, which will be donated to St. Kentigern's Hospice.


School re-opens for new term:

The school re-opens for students on Monday 10th January. The 6th and 7th of January are staff training days.

I’d like to wish everyone a lovely break, a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year.


Yours faithfully,


Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA

Omicron variant – Additional measures

Dear Parents and Carers - Download the letter Ltr to parents 30-11-21
Yesterday the Education Minister Jeremy Miles made the following announcement about schools and the emergence of the new Omicron variant:
The emergence of this new variant is a serious development in the ongoing pandemic. We have already taken swift action on international travel, alongside the other UK governments.
We are now introducing an additional measure, while we learn more about this new strain. All staff and learners in our secondary schools, colleges and universities should now wear face coverings while indoors where physical distancing cannot be maintained. This is a temporary, precautionary measure that will be in place for the remaining weeks of term at which point the position will be reviewed. This should come into effect in all settings as soon as possible.
From tomorrow (1st December 2021) we will be asking all pupils and students to wear face coverings in all lessons if they cannot maintain social distancing. This is in addition to all of the measures we have in place as part of our risk assessment:
  • Face masks being worn in all communal areas including corridors and the diner
  • Good hand hygiene and the use of sanitiser regularly
  • Regular LFD testing of pupils, students and staff
  • All other measures in place in school to ensure we are as safe as possible
Only at the end of last week, Denbighshire CC along with TTP decided to change the colour categorisation of all secondary schools from AMBER to GREEN due to the reduction of cases of school aged children. This is great news but we must continue to be
vigilant against the virus as the national picture can change rapidly.
We will also be asking all staff and pupils to continue to LFD test twice a week over the Christmas break so that we can ensure a smooth and safe return to school in January 2022. Pupils and students are to collect enough test kits for Christmas and the new year from the pastoral team.
I am really proud of how the pupils, staff and community have helped the school lose so few teaching hours over the past 12 months and I ask all parents and carers to continue your vigilance. Please follow the latest guidance from Welsh Government including not sending your child to school if they have any of the three key symptoms of COVID-19:
  • a high temperature: this means that they feel hot to touch on their chest or back
  • a new, continuous cough: this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
  • a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste: this means they’ve noticed they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.
If anyone in your household has any of these symptoms then book a PCR test as soon as possible and inform the school. The rest of the household should isolate until they return a negative PCR result.
Best wishes and many thanks
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA. Pennaeth Headteacher

999 Cenotaph Campaign

Dear/Annwyl Parents/Guardians,

Download the letter - Cenotaph campaign

I am writing to you following the moving acts of remembrance over the last few weeks.

Over two million people currently work and volunteer within our emergency services, all of whom have shown commitment to public service throughout the pandemic. The 999 Cenotaph campaign seeks to recognise that sacrifice and has support from HRH The Duke of Cambridge, the Prime Minister and the First Ministers of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The 999 Cenotaph would be placed along Whitehall.

The campaign is now encouraging all school, college and University students throughout the UK to support the campaign on Friday 3rd December.

At Prestatyn High School, we feel students can support the campaign by wearing a colour from the emergency services (red, blue, green or orange) with their full school uniform. A suggested donation of £1 should be made via ParentPay if your child would like to participate.

We will also be selling key rings and cakes with the colours represented by the emergency services.

More information about the campaign can be found at

We look forward to your child helping us to support the campaign.


Thank you for your continued support.


Yours sincerely/ Yn gywir

Mrs PJ Hill

Mrs PJ Hill - Assistant Headteacher