Update regarding the positive LFT return in Prestatyn High School

Dear Parent


Update regarding the positive LFT return in Prestatyn High School

NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect has informed Prestatyn High School that the student we wrote to you about yesterday has returned a negative PCR test meaning they do not have COVID-19 and therefore do not need to isolate.

We have told the 5 students (who were asked to temporarily stay away from school and isolate) that they can return to school.

PHS has followed all of the guidance and procedures from Public Health Wales to ensure all members of our community are safe. We are delighted with the outcome and that all of our students can return to school at such an important time.

Although this is a second false positive a student has registered over the past few months, the regular testing of learners and staff is an essential tool to tackle any outbreak of the virus. We as a school community have conducted nearly 10,000 tests and very few return a false result.

Please follow the latest guidance from Welsh Government and contact the school with any issues or concerns.

Remember, do not send your child to school if they have any of the following symptoms:

  • • A new or continuous cough
  • • A high temperature of > 37.8oC
  • • A loss of, or a change to sense of smell or taste


Warm regards

Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.

Pennaeth Headteacher

Year 13s Leaving Date

Dear all parents, carers and Year 13 students
Download the letter - Y13 Leavers ltr
Earlier this week the Welsh Government announced that Year 13s may leave on the 28th May 2021, if the school is satisfied that all evidence for their CDGs has been generated. Following this announcement Prestatyn High would like to confirm that Year 13s can leave on the 28th May which is the last day before Whit half term begins.
In order for Year 13s to formally leave on this date students must:
Produce enough assessment evidence for each of their A levels so a true, fair and accurate CDG can be awarded.
Complete all BTEC, Welsh Bacc or similar vocational units fully so a true, fair and accurate CDG can be awarded.
Complete any other work fully as directed by their teachers so that all qualifications are completed to as high a standard as possible.
Attend any additional catch up sessions if directed by your subject teacher in order to complete a qualification.
Year 13s must also attend the Provisional CDG sharing meeting in early June (date to follow).
During the last week of term, the year 13 students will have the opportunity to say goodbye to their teachers, friends and the rest of Year 13. Refreshments and farewell activities will also be available during this time (details and date to follow).
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher
Sian Reed
Head of Sixth Form

Year 11 Leaving Date

Dear all parents, carers and Year 11 pupils
Download the letter - Y11 Leavers ltr
Earlier this week the Welsh Government announced that Year 11s may leave on the 28th May 2021, if the school is satisfied that all evidence for their CDGs has been generated. Following this announcement Prestatyn High would like to confirm that Year 11s can leave on the 28th May which is the last day before Whit half term begins.
In order for Year 11s to formally leave on this date pupils must:
  • Produce enough assessment evidence for each of their GCSEs so a true, fair and accurate CDG can be awarded
  • Complete all BTEC, Welsh Bacc or similar vocational units fully so a true, fair and accurate CDG can be awarded
  • Complete any other work fully as directed by their teachers so that all qualifications are completed to as high a standard as possible
  • Attend any additional catch up sessions if directed by your subject teacher in order to complete a qualification
  • Continue to attend their college courses until directed by their tutors
Year 11s must also attend the Provisional CDG sharing meeting in early June (date to follow).
All Year 11s who have signed up to join Prestatyn 6th Form must attend A-level preparation lessons in the subjects they have chosen to study. These sessions will be vital for their success when they begin their L3 courses and help bridge any gaps in knowledge due to the pandemic. They will take place during the final half term and pupils will be expected to attend on a part time basis throughout this time. A timetable of these preparation lessons will be given out before Year 11s leave on the last Friday. Pupils attending do not have to wear school uniform.
Please contact Mrs. Williams if any pupils wish to donate items of uniform, this will greatly support our community during this very challenging time. All donated items will be laundered and pressed ready for sharing with families.
On the 28th May, all Year 11s will have the opportunity to say goodbye to their teachers, friends and the rest of Year 11. Refreshments and farewell activities will also be available during this time.
At this moment there are no plans to have a formal ROA due to COVID-19 restrictions. As soon as this guidance changes we will be in touch.
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

Qualifications Wales – 2021 Appeals Process

Dear colleague

2021 appeals process - Download the letter 280421stakeholderletter_appeals

I want to provide an update on the publication of information on the appeals process for summer 2021 qualifications.

We’ve been working with WJEC and the Design and Delivery Advisory Group on the appeals process for Summer 2021. Having spoken to headteachers, college leaders and other stakeholders this week, we’ve made the decision to pause the publication of our information on the appeals process, while we consider their feedback. The WJEC guidance for appeals that was scheduled for publication this week will therefore be delayed.

Following further consideration and discussion with headteachers, college leaders and other stakeholders, we intend to publish our information on the appeals process by mid-May.

We understand that schools and colleges want clarity, but we think it is important to take time to reflect on the feedback we’ve received. Everyone in the education community wants an effective appeals process for learners, so it’s important we give it time.

We will continue to keep you updated on any progress. If you have any questions or queries, please contact us via communications@qualificationswales.org.


Yours faithfully

Philip Blaker

Chief Executive, Qualifications Wales


Dear Parent/Carer


You will shortly receive a letter with a ballot slip on the reverse.
The parents named on the ballot form have been nominated for the two vacancies on the governing body. It is therefore necessary for an election to take place. I should be grateful if you would:

a. Place an X in the box opposite the name of the parents for whom you wish to vote. PLEASE NOTE: You may only vote for two parents.

b. Place the completed ballot form in an unmarked envelope which you should seal and place in a second envelope on which you should put your name and address and child’s name and form group and then place your signature across the sealed flap. This double envelope system enables the school to check the eligibility of those who have voted. The unmarked envelope will then be placed in the ballot box, ensuring that your vote remains secret.

c. Please return your ballot slip to the school by 1.00pm on Thursday 29th April. You may bring your ballot paper to the school personally – there will be a ballot box in the school main office from Monday 26th April – or if you wish, you can post it in the letter box outside the main school office at the front of the building. To comply with Covid regulations the votes will be counted at the school on Tuesday 4th May in the presence of an independent person. Ballot papers not submitted strictly in accordance with a. and b. above will be excluded from the count. The result of the election will be notified to the candidates following the count and will also be posted on the school’s web site.


Yours faithfully

Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.

Pennaeth Headteacher

School uniform and equipment grant (Pupil Development Grant)

If your child is in reception, year 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10 or 11 and you receive a qualifying benefit, you may be entitled to a grant of £125.00 towards the cost of their school uniform, sports kit and equipment such as laptops or tablets.
If your child is in year 7 and you receive a qualifying benefit, you may be entitled to a grant of £200.00 towards the cost of their school uniform, sports kit and equipment such as laptops or tablets.
A grant can also be provided for a looked after child attending any school year without the parent, guardian or carer receiving a qualifying benefit.

Centre Determined Grades Parental & Learner Update

Centre Assessment Policy

  • In November 2020, the Education Minister announced that there would be no summer examination series for students taking GCSEs, AS levels or A-levels in 2021.
  • In January 2021, it was confirmed that these qualifications would be awarded using Centre Determined Grades. This means that schools would determine the actual grades awarded for each qualification.

The policy outlines the following:

  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Subject assessment plans
  • Centre devised assessments
  • Assessment delivery
  • Quality assurance of assessments and grading decisions
  • Learner and parent communication
  • Internal reviews & appeals

Our Centre Assessment policy and been QA by another school and has been approved by the WJEC


Read more - Parents Update CDG V2

School Transport – Rhuddlan & Dyserth

Dedicated School Transport

Term Time Only -  Monday – Friday

Morning:Arrives PHS 08.30
Dyserth, Voel Depot 07.55
Rhuddlan, Rhyl Rd Bus Stop 08.00
King’s Head, Dyserth Rd Bus Stop 08.02
Princes Park Bus Stop 08.04
Dyserth, Tre Castell Bus Stop 08.10
Dyserth (Old Bank), High St 08.15
Pendre Farm Bus Stop 08.20
Gwelfor Park Bus Stop 08.23
Meliden Garage Bus Stop 08.25
Afternoon: Leaves PHS 15.10
Meliden Garage Bus Stop 15.13
Pendre Bus Stop 15.20
Tre Castell Bus Stop 15.25
Dyserth (Old Bank ) High Street 15.28
Grenville Ave, Dyserth Rd Bus Stop 15.33
Princes Park Bus Stop 15.35
Vicarage Lane / Treetops Bus Stop 15.37
Dyserth, Voel Depot  

Fare: £17.50 per week

From September 2020, the way we operate our bookings for school transport has changed. We will now only be accepting online bookings for the transport via our dedicated online booking system.

The website will offer a term transport ticket or the option of weekly. We recommend the Term as this will avoid missing out on the weekly allocation.  Booking will guarantee the seat.

The booking website can be reached by clicking this link, copy and pasting into your web browser or typing it into your web browser: www.bit.ly/voelschoolbooking


Important change to the school calendar – Advanced notice

Dear Parents and Carers,
Important change to the school calendar – Advanced notice:
The return to school for all pupils and students has been a great success and it has been an absolute delight and pleasure to see them all back in school safe and well. I do hope that the transition back to face to face learning has been a smooth one for all members of our school and I look forward to having all learners back full time from the 12th of April.
Back in 2020 when planning the school calendar, I, along with all five cluster primaries, decided to place the two remaining INSET days in the summer term, after the exam season. This meant that the High School could maximise teaching time for exam classes and the INSET days only took place after these vital groups had left for the summer break. Since those plans were made there have been announcements and guidance from Welsh Government regarding the way by which we are to assess, devise and award Centre Determined Grades (CDGs). This new guidance has meant we have to amend our systems and change several plans to ensure that all of our examination pupils and students get the best chance to achieve the highest grades they are capable of.
Recently the Welsh Government has informed us that we can use one of these INSET days for moderation and standardisation of CDGs, allowing us the opportunity to spend time to ensure that these grades are as accurate and fair as possible. We are committed to developing the best system for our learners so that they get the most accurate grades possible and so, with this latest guidance in mind we have taken the decision to move the July 5th INSET day to the earlier date of 21st May. This will give teachers moderation time before the grades have to be submitted to the exam boards.
New INSET day date: 21 May 2021
Cancelled INSET day: 5 July 2021
If there any issues with this change of INSET date please contact the school.
Many thanks for your cooperation in this matter
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher