Updated information on school transport

Denbighshire County Council have recently updated their school transport protocols. Please note that this protocol could be affected by changes to national guidance.

It is the parents’ responsibility:


  • To ensure pupils do not travel on school transport if anyone in the household has COVID-19 symptoms.
  • To ensure your child has a supply of face coverings before travelling each morning and afternoon. Your child must wear a face covering unless medically exempt. Pupils will not be permitted to board the vehicle if they are not wearing a face covering.
  • To acknowledge zero tolerance for poor behaviour on transport. Any pupil who demonstrates poor behaviour, and puts the safety of others at risk, will have transport withdrawn with immediate effect.
  • To ensure pupils sanitise their hands before leaving home to board their vehicle.
  • Remind learners they must board and alight transport in single file and 2 metres apart.
  • Remind pupils they must follow any instructions by their driver and try and minimise the number of surfaces they touch.
  • To ensure they have a contingency in places should the transport not arrive e.g. if a driver is unwell at short notice.


Additional information:

  • A bin will be made available to dispose of face masks.
  • All coaches are to load in the morning and afternoon back to front and unload front to back once at school.

BBC Wales PHS GCSE Results

GCSE results are up significantly on last year after a decision to base them on teachers' assessment.

Qualifications Wales estimated almost three-quarters of grades awarded were A* to C, with more than 25% A* and A grades - up from 18.4% last year.

It follows the uproar after last week's A-levels with 42% of moderated grades lower than teacher assessments.

A pupil at Mary Immaculate school in Cardiff said the fallout from A-levels had caused stress for GCSE students.

"But seeing my results today, I'm really happy and proud of myself," said Louis. "The results I got are the ones I wanted."

The exams regulator Qualifications Wales said its "best estimate" was that 74.5% of GCSE grades were awarded at A*-C, compared to 62.8% in 2019.

For GCSE, A-level, AS-levels and the Welsh Baccalaureate, pupils now receive the highest grade, whether that was their teacher's prediction or the standardised grades.


Source BBC Wales - Read and watch the news report


GCSE Results Day 2020

Prestatyn High School is absolutely delighted for all of our pupils who received their GCSE grades today.

The pupils truly deserve their fantastic grades and we are so proud of each and every one of them. This has been a very challenging year, but our Year 11s have risen to meet these challenges head on and we are so happy we got to celebrate their successes today.

I am sure they will all go onto even greater success, with many of them now embarking upon A-levels with us in our 6th Form.


To the class of 2020, we are so proud of you.


Kieron Small - Is returning to Prestatyn Sixth in September to study Drama, Dance and History.

Prestatyn student who initially had hopes dashed speaks about despair to delight after A levels grades u-turn

A STUDENT who initially had her dreams of studying medicine dashed after downgraded results has spoken out about what has been a rollercoaster week.

Rebekah Fell-Crook, a Prestatyn High School student, has always been a straight A student. However, she was left devastated on A level results day last week when she attained a B in Biology, B in Chemistry, a C in Maths and a C in Physics.

She had been predicted a B in Maths, A in Chemistry, A in Physics and A in Biology.

Rebekah's results were sent to Cardiff University by the WJEC and her place on a medicine course was automatically declined.

Speaking about collecting her results and what the week has been like since she picked up that all important envelope, Rebekah said: "I had already seen on UCAS that I had not got the grades I needed to be accepted onto the medicine course. I had instead been offered a place to study Chemistry in Cardiff which was not a course that I had applied to. I found this really stressful as I had to sit at home for two hours before I could go to school in my time slot to pick up my results.


"I would like to thank everyone in Prestatyn and the surrounding community who has helped bring justice for A level students across the country by signing and sharing petitions and letting the exam boards know that what they did was unacceptable and unfair.


"I would also like to thank the amazing teachers and staff at Prestatyn High School who have pushed me to be the best student that I can be throughout my time in high school and sixth form. I cannot describe how grateful I am for all that they have done for me - I would not be the person that I am today without their encouragement.’


Read the full article here - https://www.rhyljournal.co.uk/news/18658591.prestatyn-student-initially-hopes-dashed-speaks-despair-delight-levels-grades-u-turn/?ref=twtrec

STEM Gogledd Monthly Newsletter, August 2020

Digwyddiad ar-lein arbennig gyda STEM Gogledd! | Exciting online event with STEM Gogledd! 

Cofrestrwch nawr ar gyfer eich cyfle i wrando ar lysgenhadon STEM yn siarad am eu profiadau ac ateb eich cwestiynau chi! Bydd gennym arbenigwyr o feysydd Meddygaeth, Peirianneg, Ffiseg a llawer mwy! | Book your place today to listen to STEM Ambassadors discussing their experiences and answering your questions! There will be experts from all types of areas within STEM, such as Medicine, Engineering, Physics and much more! 

Digwyddiad ar-lein ar 18-08-2020, am 9:45y.b. -cliciwch yma i archebu eich lle
Online event on 18-08-2020, at 9:45am -click here to book your place

Dysgu pwnc STEM neu yn gweithio mewn maes cysylltiedig? | Teaching a STEM subject, or work in a related field?

Mae Hwb Llysgenhadon STEM Cymru yn adnodd arbennig ar gyfer cyfuno pynciau
STEM gydag astudiaethau achos perthnasol - dilynwch y ddolen isod i ddysgu mwy! |The STEM Ambassador Hub Wales is an excellent resource for incorporating STEM subjects with relevant case studies - click on the link below for more info! 

Wales STEM Ambassador Hub»

Disgybl STEM Gogledd? STEM Gogledd Pupil?

I ddysgu mwy am yrfaoedd gyda STEM, a llenwi dy gynllun unigol 'Fy STEM Gogledd' cer i ymweld â Hwb STEM Gogledd heddiw. |To learn more about your STEM career options, and to complete your personal 'My STEM Gogledd Plan', visit the STEM Gogledd Hub today.

Hwb STEM Gogledd»

A graduated return for pupils in the first two weeks of September

Dear Parents and Carers,

I do hope you are all well and looking forward to a nice, restful summer break. The amazing participation and support all pupils, staff and parents have given to the school over the past three weeks has been inspiring and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all. As promised, I write to you before we break up to highlight the main developments and some planning information ready for September. Our plans are well underway and are based totally on the guidance from the Welsh Government. We have made sure that the health and safety of all pupils and staff is at the centre of our planning. We have used the guidance to amend our current organisational setup to allow a full return to all pupils and students in September. The Minister for Education has confirmed that on the 14th of September attendance to school will be compulsory once again for all pupils.

The school will have a graduated return of pupils in the first two weeks in September so that we can plan, test and improve our procedures ready for a full return to capacity. These first two weeks of term are to plan, prepare and at long last, reintegrate all pupils and students back to school. Year 7 and Year 12 will be prioritised in the first instance so we can deliver the transition that was missed during lockdown. Exam classes will then return followed by each year group in turn. The plan is to have a full return by Thursday 10th September. Please check the table below to find out the date of return for each year group.

Please download and read the letter in full.



School Uniform Grant

You can only apply for a school uniform grant for the current school year

Learners currently eligible for free school meals can apply for the grant of £125 per learner, and £200 for those learners entering year 7, recognising the increased costs associated with starting secondary school.

All school years are now eligible.

Families who are eligible for free school meals can submit a claim if they have a child in:

  • primary school from reception to year 6
  • secondary school from year 7 to year 11

All looked after children qualify for the grant, whether they receive free school meals or not.

Families are only entitled to claim once per child, per school year.

Funding for the 2021 to 2022 scheme will close on 30 June 2022.

The 2022 to 2023 scheme will open in the Summer of 2022.

To apply for this grant please contact your local authority - https://www.denbighshire.gov.uk/en/education-and-schools/grants-and-funding/school-uniform-grant.aspx


Return to School Sept 2020

Dear Parents and Carers


I do hope you are all safe and well. Today Kirsty Williams, Minister for Education announced her plans for the further opening of schools in September. The guidance for how this will be organised and arranged safely will be issued by the Welsh Government in the next few days. As soon as we have received this guidance and formulated a clear plan, we will contact you with how the new academic year will be arranged. All plans will be based on the advice we receive and will be focused on keeping all pupils and staff safe. I will write to you before the end of term with our plans. Keep well and I will speak to you soon.


Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

Pupils return to school to ‘Check in, Catch up and Prepare for Summer’

Return school ‘hugely successful’ as pupils, parents and teachers are relieved to back at school

Prestatyn High have now welcomed back a wider number of pupils as part of the ‘Check in, Catch Up, Prepare for summer and September’ Welsh Government scheme.


Neil Foley, Headteacher at Prestatyn High school, said: "The wider opening of the school has been hugely successful. Both staff and pupils have quickly adapted to the changes and we are delighted to have them all back. A school is nothing without pupils and they have been missed greatly. We appreciate the support and cooperation of our fantastic parents and the wider community.”


PHS has been open every day since lockdown began for keyworker and vulnerable pupils and this has prepared us well for the challenges we faced in opening up further. Pupils, parents and teachers at Prestatyn High have all said they were relieved and happy to be back at school.


A Year 10 pupil said: ‘I was really nervous about returning to school, but going into Year 11 I felt was important. I didn’t need to worry at all, yes school is different but I feel safe and supported.”


As well as key worker children, 60% of pupils from Years 7-10 are now back in school. Year12 students are in everyday to make sure they are catching up, ready for their exams next year.


Sam on twitter said: Your communication, organisation and reassurance has been fantastic 👍🏻  Well done!! My son (Y7) has missed school so much, he’s had so much encouragement from his teachers virtually, it’s been so well managed..”


Angela Evans said: “My son, mars 9, enjoyed his first day back in school on Monday Thumbs up 👍🏻


The school has conducted robust risk assessments ahead of the wider opening in line with Department for Education guidance to ensure the safety and protection of children, staff and adults. Assessments included protective and hygiene measures, staffing, site and premises assessments, learning considerations, as well as two-way communications with parents.


Prestatyn High school will continue to provide home learning resources for children not attending school. The school is now on mission to make sure the pupils catch up and get ready for any challenges ahead.