Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advice for parents or carers

This guidance will assist schools, childcare and other educational settings

in providing advice for pupils, students, staff and parents or carers


1. Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

2. How to prevent the spread of disease

3. Cases and contacts in educational and childcare settings

Download the full NHS WALES / PUBLIC HEALTH WALES guide here – PHW Novel Coronoavirus (COVID19) guidance for schools (1)

Coronavirus Information

Dear Parent/Guardian,


Re: Coronavirus concerns


As you will be aware the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) is causing increasing problems across many countries. We take the health and safety of our pupils and staff very seriously, so we’re sharing guidance from Public Health Wales on steps you should be taking.

The NHS says the symptoms of Covid-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, are a cough, a high temperature and shortness of breath – but they could also indicate other common illnesses such as a cold or flu.

How can you stop COVID-19 spreading?

  • After you cough or sneeze and before touching food, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand disinfectant containing >60% alcohol.
  • If you need to cough or sneeze, catch it in a tissue, throw it into the bin, wipe it off by washing your hands with soap and water or a hand disinfectant. If there is no tissue, cough into your elbow
  • Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and avoid sharing personal items.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects /surfaces in the home and work environments


There’s currently no cause for concern at the school. We will in turn keep you informed about any developments.

The following table might be of help to parents/guardians with regard to action to take depending on countries/arears visited. It is of upmost importance that if you travel outside of the UK that you check the most up to date information before your child return to school.

 Travelers should immediately self-isolate, even if asymptomatic, and call NHS 111 to inform of recent travel  Travelers do not need to undertake any special measures, but if they develop symptoms they should self-isolate and call NHS 111.
Category 1 Category 2
Wuhan city and Hubei Province (China) Cambodia
Iran China
Daegu or Cheongdo (Republic of Korea) Hong Kong
Any Italian town under containment measures

In the Lombardy Region:

  • • Bertonico
  • • Casalpusterlengo
  • • Castelgerundo
  • • Castiglione D’Adda
  • • Codogno
  • • Fombio
  • • Maleo
  • • San Fiorano
  • • Somaglia
  • • Terranova dei Passerini

In the Veneto Region:

  • • Vo
Italy: north*
Republic of Korea*


Please be aware that this information is correct as of the 27th of February.

Thank you for your cooperation.


On Wednesday 22nd January Prestatyn High School hosted an Education/Careers fair


This highly successful event ran at Prestatyn High School in partnership with Careers Wales and Glyndwr University.

With over a dozen stands including:- Student Finance, VFX/Animation, Criminology, Youth & Community, Education, Forensics, Media, Psychology, Vet Nursing and Computing

pupils were given a unique insight and the opportunity to find out more about the subjects and related job sector.


A Year 11 pupil said: “I was surprised at the range of courses available, everything from Criminology to Veterinary Nursing.”


Tutors from various subject areas were on hand to to provide answers to the many questions pupils had, to alleviate fears and to make them aware of the wide range of courses available.

As well as providing information on courses a wide range of topics such as the application process, tuition fees, student loans, budgeting, career opportunities were also presented by Student Finance and Career Wales.


One Year 7 pupil said: “I love rollercoasters and I had no idea that I could design ride simulators at college.”


The event at Prestatyn High school was enjoyed by all year groups and staff. With the event being so successful, a larger venue is planned for next year.


Wrexham Glyndwr University

Careers Wales


Pupils Receive Highest Praise Points

These pupils have been recognised for their outstanding engagement to learning receiving the highest praise points in their year group for the week commencing 20th January.
Pupils met with Mr Foley and Mr Howcroft-Jones to be presented with their certificates of achievement.

Well done to all, and keep up the excellent work!

13+ Parents’ Options Information Evening – 13-19 Learning Pathways

13+ Parents’ Information Evening – 13-19 Learning Pathways

Dear Parent / Guardian,

I am writing to invite you to our Learning Pathways Parents’ Information Evening to be held on Tuesday 25th February 2020. The time of the session for you to attend is outlined below based upon form group.

These subject choices are amongst the most important ones to be made in Prestatyn High School. This is a crucial evening when we will explain about the subjects and choices your son/daughter will be asked to make for their Key Stage 4 courses next year.

The Options Booklet will be issued to pupils before the evening and the booklet will also be available online on the school’s website. Please bring the options booklet with you on the night. Information will also be given to your son/daughter in assemblies prior to the event. A presentation in the hall will explain the Learning Pathways, the external examinations and the different qualifications available. Information, advice and guidance on making appropriate decisions will be the focus of the evening and establish important dates to come.

There will be an opportunity to look at subject displays about the courses and ask any questions you may have about the options available. Other organisations such as Careers Wales, Rhyl College and others will also be on hand to advise and discuss the opportunities available. Can I please stress, however, that this is not the evening when we discuss the progress of individual students. The parents’ evening for year 8 will take place on June 9th and any further concerns regarding your son/daughters’ progress should be discussed by appointment with Mr. Howcroft-Jones.

Traditionally this information evening is extremely well attended by both students and parents. The evening will be organised in two sessions to ensure that all students and parents derive the maximum benefit from this opportunity to find out more about the many choices available. There is limited parking at school and along Princess Avenue, so with this in mind please try to stick to the times given and where possible to avoid congestion park away from the school.

5:30pm – 6.00pm – Parents & students in Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Neptune
in the Hall, then 6.00pm – 6.30pm browse course and subject displays and talk to subject staff in the Sports Hall.

6.00pm – 6:30pm – Parents & students in Orion, Pluto, Saturn and Venus
in the Hall, then 6.30pm – 7:00pm browse course and subject displays and talk to subject staff in the Sports Hall.

I look forward to seeing you at the Information Evening. If you have any queries regarding the arrangements, please contact me or Mr. Howcroft-Jones.

Year 8/9 options

LIMB-art shares inspirational story

On Thursday January 16th Mark Williams from Limb Art visited Prestatyn High School Year 9.
Mark described his journey from that of a Paralympic swimmer to running a successful business.

LIMB-art is a British design and manufacturing company based in the heart of beautiful North Wales dedicated to producing cool prosthetic leg covers.

Mark Williams said: “Our covers restore balance to the silhouette, without trying to blend in or hide, and can be instrumental in raising confidence and self-esteem.”

Founded in 2018 by former Paralympic swimmer and medalist, Mark Williams and his wife Rachael, LIMB-art was born out of an overwhelming desire to help other prosthetic users raise their confidence, be proud of what they have and very simply, but equally importantly have fun showing off whilst doing so!

Mark Williams said: “Prostheses have, over recent years, come on in leaps and bounds functionally. However, aesthetics seem to be generally overlooked. Our covers aim to change this.”

Designed for all users of above and below knee prostheses, LIMB-Art leg covers combine superior quality material and construction with cutting edge design and technology to provide robust, affordable and above all… cool… leg covers.