End of Summer Term

We are fast approaching the end of the summer term. This year the school will be closing early at 12.20 on Friday 19th July. This is an opportunity to reward our students for all their hard work. This day will also be a non-uniform day. A donation of £1 is expected which will be donated to a local charity.

However, I am keen to stress that I do not expect to see a dip in attendance just because it is a shortened day. Students are expected to attend school and attend lessons as normal. The school has made all the necessary arrangements for school buses/taxis to be at school early to transport pupils home.

School re-opens for new academic year:

The school re-opens for students on Wednesday 4th September. The 2nd and 3rd of September are training days for all staff.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the students and parents of Prestatyn High School for all their support this year. As a school we continue to make excellent progress in regards to pupil outcomes and attendance, and we will continue to work tirelessly to ensure Prestatyn High School is the best school in Denbighshire.

I look forward to seeing our years 13, 12, 11 and 10 during the summer holidays as they collect their examination results; more information will be available on our website.

I’d like to wish everyone a lovely and safe break, and I look forward to welcoming our students back in September in full uniform, refreshed and ready to achieve.

Download the letter – 2019_6_26_Closing early 2019 (1)

School Uniform Recycling Initiative

Don’t throw it away – reuse and recycle old school uniform.

Prestatyn High School are running a school uniform recycling initiative this summer. This is an opportunity for parents to donate any unwanted/outgrown uniforms in good condition so that they can be recycled and made available to other families.

During this summer term, a small group of Year 10 Welsh Bacc pupils will be helping to run the scheme as part of a Community Challenge volunteering project.

The Uniform Recycling Scheme aims to encourage the ex-pupils of Prestatyn High School to recycle and donate old school uniform items rather than putting them in the bin. There are many families across Denbighshire who would benefit from your generosity.

PHS Uniform Recycle Scheme

During the school summer holidays, parents often start to buy new uniform for next year and get rid of old. By recycling old school uniform, you could be helping families in your local community who may not be able to afford to buy new. Throwing anything in the general waste should always be a last resort as the majority of the time there is a more environmentally friendly option. Not only does making use of second-hand clothing have a fantastic impact on your pocket and on strengthening the community, but it also plays an essential role in sustaining our precious environment and protecting our natural resources. A win-win situation for everyone!

Simply drop off at the Main Office or email for more information: uniformrecycling@prestatynhigh.co.uk

New PHS PE kit

The school was notified several weeks ago by our local retailers that the current PE kit will be discontinued by the manufacturers. This means that the PE kit we currently have will not be available to buy from our retailers for September 2019.

We have met with pupils, the PE department, retailers and suppliers to consult and organise a new PE kit ready for September 2019. We have had to arrange this quickly so that our pupils have the correct garments ready for the new academic year. The new PE kit will be available to purchase in July 2019.

A flyer is included with this letter which highlights the new PE kit, the cost and other information. As we did with the new uniform, a great amount of care has been taken in deciding on the new kit and we have ensured that low cost, high durability and a great appearance are all taken into consideration. There is no change to our policy on the acceptable types of shorts and or legging for girls and this is further explained in the flyer.

The new PE kit will be compulsory for all new Year 7 pupils in September as this will be their first PHS PE kit. All other pupils can either wear their old PE kit for the first year or purchase the new kit. In September 2020 the new PE kit will be compulsory for all pupils. There will also be an optional training top with the PHS logo available if you wish to purchase it.

The new PHS PE kit is available from Jean Emporium in Rhyl or First Class Clothes in Prestatyn.

See the new PE uniform

Prestatyn High School Boys Shorts*

As summer approaches we wish to remind parents that a summer short is availableas an option to the current school uniform for boys.

  • Shorts must be a tailored fit
  • They must be grey to match your blazer
  • No modified shorts
  • No sports logos

*Optional summer term 29th April – 19th July only. Prestatyn High School reserves the right to refuse any unsuitable shorts. Shorts are not a compulsory part of the school uniform and are only a replacement for the tailored trousers during the summer term.
