Y8/Y9 Options Evening

Y8/Y9 Parents’ Information Evening – 14-19 Learning Pathways

Dear Parent / Guardian,

I am writing to invite you to our Learning Pathways Parents’ Information Evening to be held on Tuesday 19th February 2019. The time of the session for you to attend is outlined below based upon form group.

These subject choices are amongst the most important ones to be made in Prestatyn High School, This is a crucial evening when we will explain about the subjects and choices your son/daughter will be asked to make for courses next year.

The Options Booklet will be issued to pupils before the evening and the booklet will also be available online on the school’s website. Please bring the options booklet with you on the night. Information will also be given to your son/daughter in assemblies prior to the event. A presentation in the Hall will explain the Learning Pathways, the external examinations and the different qualifications available. Information, advice and guidance on making appropriate decisions will be the focus of the evening and establish important dates to come.

There will be an opportunity to look at subject displays about the courses and ask any questions you may have about the options available. Other organisations such as Careers Wales, Rhyl College and others will also be on hand to advise and discuss the opportunities available. Can I please stress, however, that this is not the evening when we discuss the progress of individual students.

Traditionally this information evening is extremely well attended by both students and parents. The evening will be organised in two sessions to ensure that all students and parents derive the maximum benefit from this opportunity to find out more about the many choices available. There is limited parking at school and along Princess Avenue, so with this in mind please try to stick to the times given and where possible to avoid congestion park away from the school.


options evening letter Y8
options evening letter Y9


Y12/13 Parents’ Evening 12 Feb

Y12/13 Parent letter


Annwyl Riant / Warcheidwad,
Dear Parent/Guardian

Noson Rieni Blwyddyn 12/13 Year 12/13 Parents’ Evening (4.00 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.)
Dydd Mawrth Chwefror 12 /Tuesday 12 February

This is a reminder to all parents/guardians of students in the Sixth Form that Parents’
Evening will be held on Tuesday 12th February 2019 from 4:00pm until 6:30pm.
Please encourage your son/daughter to make appointments with their subject tutors, in order that you may discuss their performance; and how best to support them through A Level/AS Level study.

All parents are invited as your son/daughter will receive their report as well as their Spring A Aiming High grades. This will hopefully inform the discussions with subject staff. With half-term approaching I hope that all of our students have a good break but ask them to spend the week consolidating their notes/files etc as well as getting up to date with any coursework.

Finally, whilst I accept that parking provision at the school is limited; in view of recent
complaints, can I please ask that you do not park your vehicles:-

a) across residents’ drive ways
b) in the disabled spaces adjacent to the leisure centre; which are reserved specifically
for their disabled customers.

Yours faithfully

Mr G P Vernon
Head of Sixth Form

PHS Christmas Card Competition 2018

Thank you to everyone in Y7 that entered a Christmas card design this year!

We’ve had nearly 50 entries and are please to announce our the winner of the PHS Christmas Card Competition 2018.

Congratulations to Katy M, Y7 on her winning Christmas card design!

The design will be turned into our official PHS Christmas card which will be sent to supporting partners of Prestatyn High School.

Competition results

1st Katy M, 2nd Chloe B, 3rd, Poppy M and 4th Alyssa E


Christmas Holiday – Key dates and times

We are fast approaching the end of the autumn term. Same as last year the school will be closing early at 12.20pm on Friday 21st December, to allow students and their families a little extra time together to prepare for Christmas, enjoy a different routine on a Friday afternoon and as a reward for all their hard work.

However, I am keen to stress that I do not expect to see a dip in attendance just because it is a shortened day. Students are expected to attend school and lessons as normal.

The school has made all the necessary arrangements for school buses/taxis to be at school early to transport students home.

Students are expected to wear the school uniform on the last day of term. However, they are welcome to join in the Christmas spirit by accessorising their school uniform by adding a little bit of tinsel. If students wish to participate then a small donation is welcomed which will be donated to a local charity.

School re-opens for new term: 

The school re-opens for students on Tuesday 8th January. Monday the 7th January 2019 is a training day for all staff.

We are improving every aspect of the school, putting the pieces into place to make our school a beacon of learning and excellence. These improvements, and the new school uniform, have allowed us to continue to transform Prestatyn High and its community, further raising our aspirations and expectations of what is possible. The future is very bright for all our learners at our great school. These changes and improvements are just the beginning of our journey to be the best school in Wales.

2018_12_4 closing earlyv2