Early finish 12.20pm Fri 20th July

We are fast approaching the end of the summer term. This year the school will be closing early at 12.20 on Friday 20th July. This is an opportunity to reward our students for all their hard work. However, I am keen to stress that I do not expect to see a dip in attendance just because it is a shortened day. Students are expected to attend school and attend lessons as normal. The school has made all the necessary arrangements for school buses/taxis to be at school early to transport pupils home.

End of term early finish

ROA 2018

The traditional end of year school Record of Achievement award ceremony welcomed two world class extreme sports athletes, ex-European and British skateboard champion, Neil Danns, and Downhill Mountain Biking World Champion Rachel Atherton.

Leah Royles and Erin Kenway both delivered stunning vocal performances, whilst pianist Alice Wright played a beautiful solo piece. The school staff played and sang their own rendition of the Manchester Britpop anthem ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ by Oasis.

Tejilen Chellapemal proud winner of the Headteachers Award

The Headteachers award was presented to Tejilen Chellapemal

The Headteacher’s Award was presented to Tejilen Chellapemal.
He has shown true resilience, despite facing personal challenges. He has never given up and has shown true grit and determination. He is a keen sportsperson and can always be found down in PE supporting the 5 x 60 officer. Such is his dedication to all things PE, he was made a 5 x 60 ambassador. During his time at PHS, he has thrown himself into all aspects of school life. He has been a Year 10 buddy, has represented his house during sports day and, even to this day, is still coming back to school to support classes. You would struggle to find a more polite, well-mannered and courteous individual. When staff were asked to consider who should be awarded this award. the response was unanimous.

2018 House winners included: Jupiter – Jack Hughes, Saturn x – Elle Harris, Saturn y – Rebecca Fell-Crook, Mercury x – Amy-Rose Wynne, Mercury y – Bethany Armstrong, Neptune – Erin Kenway, Orion – Pipat Kunpanok, Venus – Elliott Humphries, Mars – George Lloyd, Pluto – Natasha Dore.




Special Guest Ex-European and British Skateboard champion Neil Danns @neildanns


PHS Sporting Achievement Award 2018 – Awarded to Layna Beatie
presented by Mountain Bike World Champion Rachel Atherton @rachelatherton

Neil Danns pictured with Layna Beatie as she receives the PHS Sporting Achievement Award

The PHS Sporting Achievement Award 2018 was awarded to Layna Beattie and presented by Mountain Bike World Champion, Rachel Atherton (@rachelatherton). Layna has represented Wales as an under 17 squash player. She has travelled around Europe during her exams, yet has successfully combined studying with sporting achievement. Layna has demonstrated commitment and a positive mental attitude.
She has been committed to both school and sport throughout the years.

Animal Care Penmorfa Visit

On 14th June 2018 the Animal Care Department from Prestatyn High School visited Penmorfa Playmates.
Children aged 2-4 years were introduced to a variety of animals.


It was wonderful to see the children so actively engaged and asking lots of questions.
Katie Holbrook – Prestatyn High School – Animal Care Technician


The day was part of our initiative to promote responsible pet awareness within the local community.


A huge thank you to Prestatyn High School animal care for bringing in the wonderful animals today. We have had a hamster, a guinea pig, a chicken, a tortoise, a bearded dragon and 2 giant African snails. The children loved every minute and loved looking at all the animals.

Miriam Jones – Penmorfa Playmates

BBC Community project

Year 8 helping with the filming of BBC’s Britain in Bloom with presenter Chris Bavin.

Prestatyn High School pupils Jospeh McKenna and Nathan Williams pictured with Chris in interview

Students helped clear the community project area at the Morfa Gateway that is going to be transformed from it’s current state to a community area that can be accessed by all ages.

Prestatyn High introduce new school uniform for Sept 2018

It is with great delight and pride that the Governing body of Prestatyn High School are introducing a new school uniform for September 2018. This uniform will bring a sophisticated style to Prestatyn High and start a new school legacy when they unveil their first new school uniform on 24th April, the first significant change in over 10 years. To gear up for the launch of the new uniform, the stylish new design will be put on show to parents, pupils and staff. A desire to change the uniform has been met with widespread parent, pupil and staff approval and support.

Mixing traditional styling based on original archived school uniforms, alongside modern tailoring, this new uniform will raise aspirations within the community and set Prestatyn High School apart. This formal dress will give our pupils a sense of pride and ownership that will transcend into the world of work and adulthood far beyond school.

Pupils at Prestatyn High School try out their new uniform. GA190418A

Neil Foley, Headteacher, said:

This is the ideal time to introduce a new formal, smart uniform to our school. For far too long we have lagged behind other schools in north Wales. The new uniform, combined with the improvements we have had in results at GCSE will assist us on our mission to drive up standards and give every child the education they deserve. All pupils need to take pride in their community, their school and their appearance. This is another step in our journey to improve the outcomes and aspirations of the school and its community.

Joanne Newell, Parent Governor and focus group Chair explains the inspiration for the new look:

The uniform working party was made up of Parents, Pupils, Governors, Retailers and Staff, and after a detailed consultation process we were able to put forward a final uniform design which is affordable, durable and smart. We are delighted with the end result which reflects the aspirations of the school, and the having high expectations we have in all areas of education. We will be proud to see all of our learners wearing it in September. I am also pleased to confirm that the school Governors have made a commitment to financially assist families on low incomes and support blazer purchases for the new Year 11 pupils.

The new uniform will be fully implemented from September 2018 and the school will insist on 100% compliance. Pupils returning in September without the correct uniform will asked to return in the appropriate uniform as outlined in our 2018 school uniform policy.

Pupils at Prestatyn High School try out their new uniform.

Support and Assistance
The governing body have given a commitment to help reduce the cost of the uniform for Year 11 pupils, as they will only be expected to wear the uniform for one year. In order to further support families, the Governing Body have also agreed that financial support would be available for children that are in receipt of Free School Meals as at May 1st 2018. Parents with multiple pupils at the school will also receive financial support if required. During the launch evening, the Chair of governors will provide information about how the school will contribute to the above. If any parents have issues surrounding the cost of the uniform not listed above, the school will assist on a case by case basis. The governors want to do everything possible to make sure all families will be able to afford the new uniform.

Assets – Uniform flyer
PHS Uniform Flyer

Uniform Launch Night 24th April

Prestatyn High School – New Uniform Launch Event April 2018

Dear Parent \ Guardian

I would like to invite all parents to the official new school uniform launch. After several months of consultation and design, the official new uniform for Prestatyn High is ready to be displayed. The launch evening will be on the 24th April at 6.30 pm until 7.30 pm. The evening will include a presentation by the head teacher and chair of the Uniform Committee, followed by the unveiling of the new uniform. The uniform local suppliers will also be present to inform all parents about the cost and ways to purchase the garments. The uniform suppliers were part of the working party and they have helped produce a top quality uniform at a very affordable price.

The governing body have given a commitment to help reduce the cost of the uniform for Year 11 pupils, as they will only be expected to wear the uniform for one year. In order to further support families, the Governing Body have also agreed that financial support would be available for children that are in receipt of Free School Meals as at May 1st 2018. Parents with multiple pupils at the school will also receive financial support if required. During the evening, the Chair of governors will provide information about how the school will contribute to the above. If any parents have issues surrounding the cost of the uniform not listed above, the school will assist on a case by case basis. The governors want to do everything possible to make sure all families will be able to afford the new uniform.

Unfortunately due to supply, cost and timing problems, there will not be an alternative uniform for consideration.
The Uniform working party unanimously agreed to select the uniform you will see tonight as the official uniform for Prestatyn High School.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of our school community who took part in the consultation process which helped guide the design and ultimate outcome.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Uniform Working Party for their hard work and effort on this project.

Assemblies for all pupils will take place after the launch evening to share this information.
Any other questions will be addressed at this meeting.

Download the letter
Uniform ltr – April 2018