PHS Uniform Consultation Results

Dear Parent \ Guardian

Following our recent consultation with parents, pupils and staff regarding the school uniform, I am pleased to share with you the latest developments and the next steps. The consultation process showed a clear desire amongst all stakeholders to change the school uniform and the outcomes are available to view on the school website. In broad terms, 60%, 78% and 99% of pupils, parents and staff respectively, indicated that they did not wish to retain the existing uniform, with the majority of each of these groups showing a preference for a blazer and tie. In addition, the majority of each group questioned preferred introducing the uniform into all year groups in September 2018.

It was interesting to note that the overwhelming majority of pupil respondents recommended against any prescription surrounding the inclusion of a common school
bag as part of the uniform. During the consultation process, a School Uniform Working Party has been established in order to consider the outcomes, develop a range of options and to make recommendations to the Governing Body. The Working Party comprises Parents, Pupils, Staff, Governors and School Uniform Suppliers, and now meet on a regular basis to develop recommendations for Governing Body approval.

In considering any recommendations, the Governing Body will be mindful of the key points expressed during the consultation as follows:
• Retention of the traditional Maroon colour in any new uniform.
• The affordability of the uniform, especially for low income families together with families with numerous siblings attending PHS.
• The durability of items and their ongoing maintenance and care.
• Securing consistency in the standard of dress with regard to style and colour.
• The ongoing availability and affordability of uniform items and the ability to purchase non branded items (e.g. white shirts) from supermarket chains.
• The timescale for implementation.

The School Uniform Working party is now developing the design, style and colour of the new uniform and a meeting will be arranged in the near future with all parents and stakeholders to share all information.

Additional information:
• The PE kit will be reviewed in the next academic year after feedback suggested there was no great demand for a change.
• A full review of the 6th Form dress code will take place with current Year 11 pupils and existing 6th Formers.
• Year 7 to Year 11 will wear the new uniform.
• Shorts will be included in the summer dress code for boys.
• The Working Party will discuss how best to reduce the cost of the uniform for Year 11 pupils as they will only be expected to wear the uniform for one year.
• In order to further support families, the Governing Body have agreed that financial support would be available for children that are in receipt of Free School Meals as at May 1st 2018. Details on what contribution the school will make and how to access this support will follow.
• In addition, for pupils who will be in Year 7 in September 2018, parents may be entitled to receive a grant towards the cost of their school uniform which is provided by Denbighshire County Council.

Next Steps
• The Working Party will meet regularly to develop the new uniform options.
• In the next few weeks there will be a meeting for all parents and stakeholders to go over the findings of the consultation and display the possible uniform that the Working Party have recommended.
• This meeting will be followed by assemblies for all pupils share this information and latest developments.

In the meantime I would like to thank you for your contribution to the consultation process and most
importantly for your continued support for the school.

Download and read the letter in full
Uniform ltr – Jan 2018

View the results
Uniform analysis v1 Jan 2018 Sheet1

PHS Uniform Consultation

Dear Parent \ Guardian

I would like to make you aware of an exciting development here at Prestatyn High School.

In a meeting held on 7th November 2017 the Governing Body approved proposals to undertake a review of the current school uniform. A Working Party has since been established to lead a consultation with stakeholders, and this group represents a cross-section of the Prestatyn community, comprising Staff, Parents, Pupils, Governors and local uniform suppliers.


Read the letter in full – Uniform Consultation


Next Steps

On the basis of this initial feedback we will consult with pupils across all year groups in the week beginning 11th December. We hope to ascertain the views of all pupils in order that they are active participants in deciding if there is a need to change, and if so, in shaping the uniform of the future.

We also recognise that the views of parents are critical, and to this end we will be holding a parental event on 14th December 7pm – 8pm. Presentations and discussions will provide parents with the opportunities to share their views. During this meeting we will ask for some parents to join the uniform consultation Working Party. Following this event all parents will be invited to complete an on-line survey.

With the great news that Estyn have recently judged our school as having made GOOD progress due to the aspirational work that takes place every day, it is an ideal time to raise standards further and improve how the school presents itself in the community. I believe a new, smart uniform will make a fundamental, positive difference to the pupils and their outcomes.

I do hope you will be able to attend this forthcoming event and I look forward to hearing your views and receiving your contributions.


Read the letter in full – Uniform Consultation

Parent Survey

The Parent Survey will open Friday 15th December at 8am and will close Thursday 21st December 8am.

Estyn Inspection review

Dear Parents/ Guardians

Since the “requires improvement” judgement by Estyn in the inspection of October 2014, Prestatyn High has been working hard to improve the school in 7 key areas/recommendations. These 7 key recommendations were:

  • R1 – Raise standards in KS4 outcomes including English and Maths (L2+)
  • R2 – To improve the accuracy and presentation of pupils’ writing
  • R3 – To improve attendance rates and reduced persistent absenteeism
  • R4 – To improve the behaviour of pupils
  • R5 – To improve the quality and consistency of teaching and assessment
  • R6 – To improve the accountability and consistency of leadership at all levels
  • R7 – To improve self-evaluation and improvement planning


The school has worked tirelessly on improving these recommendations and we have made significant progress in all areas. Estyn have now judged the school to have made good progress, recognising all this hard work and the fantastic results the school, staff and most importantly our year 11s achieved last summer.

We are extremely pleased and proud that 53% of our cohort of 240 pupils achieved 5 high grade passes (grade C or above) including English language and maths. This bucked the national trend with many Welsh schools seeing a significant reduction. This outcome places PHS in the top 50% of school’s nationally. Pupils achieving A*-C in English language have risen by 20% to 69% which is unprecedented and is a real sign that the changes we are making are having a significant impact on improving the life chances of our young people.

Results in the 6th Form have also seen a significant improvement which has allowed more students than ever to not only access University, but access their first choice University. We are delighted that 70% of all A-levels taken at our 6th Form were graded at a C or above in 2017.

Improving attendance is still of major importance for the school and we have set ourselves a challenging target of 97% for all pupils. We are going to vigorously work through our attendance procedures to make sure we continue to make further progress in this area. We would like to achieve our new target within the next two years, but we will only achieve this with the help and support of all parents in all year groups.

This judgement by Estyn is a great endorsement of what the school is doing well and we will now have the time to make sure the school achieves its full potential, becoming the outstanding school the community, parents and most importantly the pupils and students of Prestatyn deserve.

Download the letter  – Estyn ltr to parents v2

Christmas Holiday Information

We are fast approaching the end of term. Same as last year the school will be closing early at 12.20pm on Friday 22nd December, to allow students and their families a little extra time together to prepare for Christmas, enjoy a different routine on a Friday afternoon and as a reward for all their hard work. However, I am keen to stress that I do not expect to see a dip in attendance just because it is a shortened day. Students are expected to attend school and lessons as normal.


The school has made all the necessary arrangements for school buses/taxis to be at school early to transport students home. Students are welcome to join in the Christmas spirit by accessorising their school uniform by adding a little bit of tinsel on Friday the 22nd December. If students wish to participate then a small donation is welcomed which will be donated to a local charity.

School re-opens for new term:

The school re-opens for students on Tuesday 9th January. The 8th January 2018 is a training day for all staff. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the students and parents of Prestatyn High School for all their support this year. My first full year as headteacher at Prestatyn High School has been hugely successful and we, as a school, are making excellent progress to achieve the best outcomes for all our young people as was demonstrated in the summer’s exam results. Together, we will transform PHS into the best school in Denbighshire.

Download the Parent letter


A vacancy has arisen on the School’s Governing Body for a position as Parent Governor as a result of one of our existing parent governors’ term of office coming to an end.

Attached is a nomination paper for this position and if you are interested in standing or inviting another parent to stand please ensure the nomination paper is fully completed and returned to Liz Thomas, the Clerk of Governors, by 1.00pm on Thursday 23rd November, 2017.

The role of Governor can be both demanding and interesting and I would be happy to discuss this with anyone who would like further information.

Print and download the nomination form
Parent Gov Vacancy ltr & Nomination Form Nov 2017

Neil Foley – B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher