Prestatyn High School – A level Results Day

The Sixth Form at Prestatyn High has achieved great results yet again. Our students continue to make exceptional progress, achieving some of the best grades possible. The school, all our staff, and the community, are so proud of our young people and we wish them well in the next stage of their academic careers. These achievements are even more special when you take into account the disruption to education over the past few years.

Mr Foley, Headteacher, was absolutely delighted with the results and said:

“These results are a testament to the hard work and endeavour of our students and the tireless efforts of the whole school staff. The students and the staff all went the extra mile to ensure that the outcomes for the Class of 2023 were some of the best we have ever had. Well done to Year 13; we wish you the very best for the future.”

Sian Reed, Head of Prestatyn High Sixth Form said,
“ I am delighted with the results that our students have achieved this year. The level of commitment from this year’s cohort has been truly remarkable and I look forward to following their future successes. Well done, and good luck, to the Class of 2023.”


A level results day 17th August

School will be open from 9 am for year 13 students to collect their results in the library. Year 12 students can collect their results from 10.30.


If a student is unable to collect their results, another person may collect the results but must bring a signed letter confirming they have permission to do so.


A level results will not be emailed / shared with students via Teams


Students who have any queries regarding their results will be able to speak to members of Sixth Form Team. 


On the 29th and 30th of June the Prestatyn High School F1 in schools team attended the UK final held in Leeds University.

The F1 in schools is run as part of the schools enrichment program. The team consisting of Theo Mc Chesney, Harrison NG and George Porter had to design, engineer and make a model F1 car and then present their designs to a panel of judges along with racing them against 32 other teams from around the UK.

The team had a brilliant time meeting the other teams that were there. The team would like to thank the people  and companies that supported and sponsored the team enabling us to a attend the final who are Prestatyn High School, Prestatyn Rotary Club, Mark 1 Cars,

RTB Tech, Youth Shedz and Drivers of Prestatyn.

We hope to enter the competition again next year. If any companies are willing to support or sponsor us please get in touch via the high school.

End of Year Letter

Dear Parents / Carers,
I do hope this letter finds you well and that you are looking forward to a nice summer with your families.
It has been another successful and immensely rewarding year for everyone associated with Prestatyn High School. So many good and exciting events have occurred during the year, reflecting our vision of achievement for all through positivity and responsibility. I am exceptionally proud of the staff; they have worked tirelessly to ensure all our pupils and students are supported academically and that their wellbeing is a priority for us all. I was also incredibly proud that our hard work was validated by our inspection in February; please do take the time to read our report on the Estyn webpage.
As in previous years, and in recognition for the hard work our pupils have put in over the year, I am pleased to announce that the school will be closing early at 12.20pm on Wednesday 19th July. This day will also be a non-uniform day. Pupils wearing their own clothes are encouraged to make a £1 donation which will be donated to a local food bank.
Pupils are expected to attend school and lessons as normal. The school has made all the necessary arrangements for school buses/taxis to be at school early to transport pupils home.
I understand that many of you may currently be facing much bigger challenges than education, which is why we will look to provide wider support to you, and your family, wherever possible. If you do require additional support, please do not hesitate in contacting the school.
In the last few weeks, we have allowed pupils to not wear their blazers due to the very hot weather. Please remind your son / daughter that we expect all pupils in full uniform when they return in September.
School re-opens for new term:
The school re-opens for students on Tuesday 5th September. The 1st (Friday) and 4th (Monday) of September are staff training days.
I look forward to seeing our Years 13, 12 and 11 during the summer holidays as they collect their examination results; more information will be available on our website.
I would like to wish everyone a lovely and safe break, and I look forward to welcoming our students back in September in full uniform, refreshed, and ready to achieve.
Many thanks for your support, as always, this year.


Yours faithfully,
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA

Information regarding school lockdown procedures

Dear Parents and carers,

All schools are advised to put in place emergency arrangements in the unlikely event of an incident requiring a school to use a lockdown procedure to ensure the safety of the pupils and staff. We have done many things to reduce risk to our pupils in school including putting up additional fencing, a new back gate and changing our procedures. We update our Emergency Plan each year, part of this emergency plan involves lockdown procedures. The lockdown procedure is a response to any incident that has the potential to pose a threat to the safety of pupils, staff and visitors in the school. The procedure may be used in situations such as an incident or civil disturbance in the local community, terrorist action or threat of terrorist action or an intruder on the school site.


When the school is in lockdown, all those on site will be required to follow the procedures. Staff and pupils will be required to go to or stay in the nearest classroom where the door will be locked or blocked to prevent access. Windows will be closed and phones need to be placed on silent. Senior members of staff in school will coordinate the lockdown procedures to ensure the safety of all areas of the school. We will establish contact with emergency services and the local authority until such time as it is appropriate to end the lockdown procedures.


The school will communicate to parents that lockdown procedures are in place via the school website and other social media platforms. We would request that in such circumstances, parents do not use the phones to contact the school as we would need to keep phone lines clear for communication with emergency services. There will be no access to the school other than to emergency services. During a lockdown, the school retains loco parentis and pupils will not be released to parents until the lockdown has ceased.


These procedures are a precaution and are nothing to be alarmed about. In order to support this process, we are going to undertake a lockdown rehearsal with all pupils, staff and visitors in school. This rehearsal will allow pupils to become familiar with the procedures as they are different to our fire evacuation procedures. This is an annual rehearsal and should take no longer than ten minutes. We will discuss this with pupils to prepare them for this rehearsal but we would be grateful if you could reinforce the message that this is nothing to be concerned about but allows additional safety arrangements to be made in school should we need to use the lockdown procedures. The rehearsal will take place on Thursday 6th July in the afternoon. Should you have any questions in relation to this, please direct them via your child’s Head of Year.


Yours faithfully
Mrs C Turner - Deputy Headteacher

Windrush 75

It is vital that we provide our learners with a curriculum that is inclusive and celebratory. The 75th anniversary of the Windrush is an opportunity to recognise the communities that sacrificed life as they knew it to help us build ours. 

This week we will be learning about the Windrush and how it has affected the lives of many in the UK.
We have included a report for you to discuss with your families if you wish. 
