World Cup Football – Wales vs Iran

Dear Parents and Carers
To mark the terrific achievement of Wales being part of the World Cup for the first time in 60 years, Prestatyn High School would like to give all pupils and students the opportunity to watch the televised Wales vs Iran fixture live in school.
The game will kick off at 10am and last approximately 2 hours. This means normal lessons will be suspended for periods 2 & 3. Normal lessons will take place periods 1, 4 & 5. Break time for the whole school will be at halftime of the game.
Any pupils not wishing to watch the Wales World Cup match will be given the opportunity to complete appropriate work in a supervised classroom/computer room. Pupils must inform their form tutor by the 24th November if they do not wish to watch the match.
Each year group will watch the game in a different venue around the school. Further details of this will be shared with your son/daughter nearer the time.
Pupils and students will be allowed to wear Welsh Football or Rugby tops for the day to show their support for our amazing national team. If pupils are not wearing a Welsh national top then normal school uniform rules will apply. Pupils may also wish to bring in snacks and refreshments and these can be consumed during the game. All pupils will be reminded that all litter and rubbish must be placed in a bin to keep the school tidy and also allow us to do this type of event again in the future.
I do hope all pupils join us in watching our national team play in the World Cup.
Best wishes and “Come On Wales!”
Yours sincerely
Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.
Pennaeth Headteacher

Children in Need 2022

As you may already know, Friday 18th November is this year’s BBC Children in Need Day. We are excited to be joining in with others around the UK to participate in fundraising for this good cause. Children in Need raises awareness about the lives of disadvantaged children across the whole of the UK and the community groups and organisations that can help to support them.

At Prestatyn High School, we feel that the best way we can support the event is for students to accessorise their school uniform with something spotty, pupils can also bring in their favourite teddy. A suggested donation of £1 should be made via ParentPay if your child would like to participate.

We will also be holding a cake sale at break time on Friday, all proceeds will go to Children in Need.

We look forward to your child helping us to make a memorable event that raises as much money as possible. Thank you for your continued support.

Show Racism the Red Card – Wear Red Oct 21st

Dear Parents and Carers

Our anti-discrimination team, who lead the campaign Discrimination. It Stops with Me, are working very closely with other external agencies to support Prestatyn High School in ensuring it is a place of inclusivity and diversity. We have sent home correspondence this year explaining how we plan to do this. Raising awareness within the school and the community is a key step.

Show Racism the Red Card is hosting a nationwide campaign on Friday October 21st, where all pupils are invited to wear their own clothes to school. Prestatyn High School is delighted to take part in this event. Pupils are asked to wear a red item of clothing to support the campaign and will be asked to donate £1, which will be donated to Show Racism the Red Card. This can be paid for through Parent Pay or pupils can bring the money in. If they do not have anything red to wear, please let us know before Friday 21st and we will provide you with something red to wear to show support for the campaign.

Thank you for your continued support


Dear Parent/Carer - Parent Gov Vac ltr & Nom Form Oct 2022


Three vacancies have arisen on the School’s Governing Body for a position as Parent Governor as a result of three of our existing parent governors resigning due to other commitments.

Attached is a nomination paper for these positions and if you are interested in standing or inviting another parent to stand please ensure the nomination paper is fully completed and returned to (Mrs. Liz Thomas, Clerk of Governors) by 1.00pm on Thursday 20th October 2022.

The role of Governor can be both demanding and interesting and I would be happy to discuss this with anyone who would like further information.



Yours faithfully Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA. Pennaeth Headteacher

Geography Iceland Field Trip

Pupils from Prestatyn High school took in the delights of Iceland on their first residential field trip since the start of the pandemic.
The geography department at Prestatyn High School took 37 pupils to Iceland on the 6th October 2022. Conditions could not have been better for the trip, boasting clear blue skies for most of the visit. Trip leader Head of Geography Kelly Skeffington said "the trip was successful; pupils enjoyed visiting the recent lava flows at Fagradalsfjall and walking through Raufarhólshellir lava tunnel (created by flowing magma). The interactive Lava Centre and visits to the UNESCO Thingvellir National Park developed pupils' depth of understanding of the tectonic forces that have created Iceland's spectacular scenery, this and observing the landforms created by Iceland's rivers and the ocean will benefit pupils when they sit their GCSE and A-Level geography exams."
The trip was enhanced on the first evening by a wonderful appearance from the Northern Lights following dinner at 'The Greenhouse' which is heated and powered by Iceland's renewable energy sources. The second day of the trip included visits to the Hellisheiði Geothermal Power Plant, Strokkur Geysir, the tectonic plate boundary at Thingvellir and the largest waterfall in Iceland at Gulfoss. An hour was spent in the Secret Lagoon, where everyone basked in the geothermally heated pool.
Kelly said: “Once again the trip was extremely successful, the pupils learnt a huge amount from the geographically rich environment that Iceland offers and pupils have made memories that will last them a lifetime.”
Kelly also acknowledged her staff team of: John Roberts, David Durham and Sian Reed without whom the trip would not have been possible.

Enrichment clubs timetable

Dear Parents and Carers

Please see attached  enrichment timetable Enrichment ltr

I am delighted to inform you that our enrichment opportunities and after-school clubs are now fully up and running with a host of sessions on offer for your child. The Prestatyn High School after-school enrichment timetable complements the successful lessons delivered during the school day. Sessions take place between 3pm and 4pm. The enrichment opportunities provide students with additional learning, social opportunities, and help to develop new skills and interests. In addition, they allow pupils to build confidence, become part of a team, and improve their communication skills. Enrichment clubs are a fantastic way to increase enjoyment of school life, as they create an inclusive, community spirit, in addition to enhancing skills and building character.


There are sessions and classes on offer for all year groups, and these include the core areas of additional learning, alongside extra qualifications, group sessions and sports. The enrichment sessions are based on pupils’ requests, and they are led by a dedicated member of staff who oversees the sessions. These sessions are often supported by older pupils and students from our 6th form. Sessions range from Art Club to Animal Care, Computer and Board Game Clubs, Creative Writing, Eco Club, F1 In School and Lego.


As part of these sessions, we offer a variety of physical activities from the 5x60 timetable, allowing all year groups to get involved. Sports include football, basketball, gymnastics, badminton and netball. Physical activity also improves wellbeing and physical health. I have attached a copy of the timetable for you to explore what we have on offer this term. All sessions on the timetable also include information on which year group can attend (using the key at the bottom of the page). The timetable for enrichment changes regularly, and future activities will include archery, table tennis and lacrosse, to name but a few. As we add new sessions to the enrichment timetable, we would love to see more pupils attend these new challenges and experiences.


All of the enrichment sessions will be registered in the same way as a normal lesson, so it is essential that pupils sign up for these clubs at reception to ensure that they are allocated a space. If pupils get the school bus home, and wish to attend an enrichment session, they can book on to a Prestatyn High School minibus at reception. This will ensure that they get home safely. The school minibus needs to be booked in advance to ensure that we have enough space each day. The latest time to book on to the bus is by break on the day of the enrichment activity. They will need to let the reception team know the date, time, home destination and enrichment activity.


It would be great to see new faces coming to participate and explore what is on offer. I do hope your child takes up this fantastic opportunity, and I look forward to welcoming them to the sessions.


Yours sincerely

Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA. - Pennaeth Headteacher

James Williams -  Enrichment
Alex Fuller - Enrichment