Update – Online Learning and Centre Determined Grades

Dear all Parents, Carers and Pupils


The Welsh Government announced on Friday 29th January that the period of school closure will be extended until after the half term and possibly beyond for secondary schools. This means that unless there are any significant changes in the prevalence of the virus, Prestatyn High school will continue to deliver online learning to all of our pupils and students until at least the 22nd of February. We are awaiting further direction on how long after this date schools will be closed to the majority of learners. In the meantime, please continue to support our pupils and students by encouraging them to engage in the online learning provision. We remain open as always and we will continue to deliver in-school learning to our pupils accessing our hub provision. The school remains a very safe place and we are continually updating our risk assessments as demands change or the advice and guidance we receive is amended.


Update on online learning

Since the announcement of the move to online learning in December we have continued to utilise Microsoft TEAMS to set our online learning. Our teachers are working hard to provide the best possible learning for all pupils and students. On average around 1200 pupils a day are accessing work via TEAMS which is fantastic to see. Over the last two weeks we have been building up our use of live lessons with all year groups. Your son/daughter should now have a blend of live lessons and online work from all subjects and can access the times for live lessons from the calendar section on TEAMS, or by clicking on each individual class team. We are proud of our students for the work they are completing and encourage all students to keep working hard on their learning. Please remember, if the work is too much or if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact your child's head of year.


Update on Year 11, 12 and 13 learners and their Centre Determined Grades

On the 20th January the Education Minister, Kirsty Williams, announced if pupils or students were expected to sit a GCSE, AS or A level examination this summer (2021) their school will decide their grade using assessment evidence held in school. There will no external assessments or exams. Grades will be determined using a range of assessments completed by learners whilst they have been studying for their qualification. Centre determined grades will be based on what teachers expected a pupil or student to achieve at the end of the qualification. They will represent a fair, reasonable and carefully considered judgement of the most likely grade that might be achieved in normal circumstances. This is a professional judgement based on the combined assessment information held for that pupil or student and will be a holistic judgement rather than focusing on a single source of evidence. The grade awarded will not be based on single target grades, mock results or aspirational grades.


It is now incumbent upon learners in examination classes to try their very best as teachers can only award grades that can be supported by work completed by them. Centre determined grades will be decided by the effort and work completed, since the start of their course and until it ends. We are awaiting further clarity on the date when all examination courses will finish. Now is not the time for learners to stop working, now is the time to work harder than ever before so pupils and students ensure they provide their teachers with enough evidence to award grades they are capable of. We will continue to provide regular updates on qualifications via our website and social media.


We are working non-stop to ensure that all of our pupils and students are supported and safe. Please be in no doubt that the moment we are allowed to have more pupils and students back in the building, we will do so in a very safe way so that all of our community are protected from this virus. Until then, please follow the government advice on Covid-19 and stay safe.


Best wishes and many thanks as always with your support on this.


Neil Foley - B.Sc. MA.

Pennaeth Headteacher

Posted in News.