On the 29th and 30th of June the Prestatyn High School F1 in schools team attended the UK final held in Leeds University.

The F1 in schools is run as part of the schools enrichment program. The team consisting of Theo Mc Chesney, Harrison NG and George Porter had to design, engineer and make a model F1 car and then present their designs to a panel of judges along with racing them against 32 other teams from around the UK.

The team had a brilliant time meeting the other teams that were there. The team would like to thank the people  and companies that supported and sponsored the team enabling us to a attend the final who are Prestatyn High School, Prestatyn Rotary Club, Mark 1 Cars,

RTB Tech, Youth Shedz and Drivers of Prestatyn.

We hope to enter the competition again next year. If any companies are willing to support or sponsor us please get in touch via the high school.

Posted in News.