Parent/Carer letter – Uniform and mobile information for September

Dear parents and carers,
As this academic year draws to a close, I wanted to send out essential reminders so that our pupils can prepare for their return to school, ready to learn in September. There has been no change to the expectations that we have for our pupils in terms of uniform. We are aware that some parents may need support to buy items of uniform, if this is the case, please contact the school and we will be able to help.
In September we will be asking all pupils to place their mobile phone into a secure designated holder at the start of each lesson. We are not banning mobile devices, but we want all pupils to focus on learning whilst in lessons. It is important that all learners are responsive, respectful and comply with our expectations so that we can get on with what matters most, educating our young people.
Successful education starts with the basics and that means all pupils and parents supporting our expectations. For example, ensuring that the uniform and shoes are correct, that the rules on make-up, nails and piercings and mobile phones are followed. As we prepare for the new academic year, we will insist on all of our learners complying with these expectations. Failure to follow these simple rules will result in sanctions from day one in September.
It is important that our learners are in school each and every day to ensure that they are not missing out on learning time. Pupils must also be on time to school and to their lessons. Next year, we will continue to have a strong focus on attendance to ensure that our learners continue to have the best chances of success by being in school every day.
With this letter is the leaflet with a few key reminders about what we are asking of our learners and families. We hope that our students have a wonderful and restful break over the summer. Please remember to enjoy your time safely and that all of our learners are being socially responsible citizens in our fantastic community.
Sept 24 Download the letter
Kind regards,
Mrs Pam Hill
Assistant Headteacher
Posted in News.